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Sins of the Past (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Sins of the Past (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Titel: Sins of the Past (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
Autoren: Keyonna Davis
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    Copyright © 2013
Chapter 1
    Someone was definitely getting their ass kicked soon. Lorna Marco had tried her best not to let the taunts and pranks from the town get to her, but this time someone took things too far. They messed with her baby, her pride and joy, and now they were going to pay. Fuming, Lorna grabbed a bucket and scrub brush and went out to her driveway. There it was in big, bold red letters across the windshield of her 1969 Camaro SS. She had literally put her blood, sweat, and tears into restoring that car and she loved it like it was her own child.
    “Goddamn bastards!” she raged.
    The town could say what they wanted about her, but writing SLUT across the front windshield of her car in big bold letters was sacrilegious in her book. Why would someone want to do something so cruel to her baby?
    “If those bastards messed up the paint, I swear to god I’ll gut every last one of them.” Lorna set her bucket of supplies down and stomped off around to the back of the house to find a hosepipe.
    When she had woken up that morning, Lorna had plans of spending a nice Sunday relaxing alone at home. There was nothing unusual about the alone part, she spent most days like that due to her unwanted and undeserved reputation. The relaxing part was what she had been looking forward to. It was rare that she had nothing to do, but she had just finished her last project and it was on the way to a happy client, based on the pictures she had sent him. She decided to take a day off before she started her next project. Now, it wasn’t even quite eight in the morning and she was already dealing with the town idiots. She wanted to crawl back into bed and start over, but Lorna knew she couldn’t. There was no way she would be able to rest until she knew her baby was blemish-free.
    After finding the water hose, she dragged it around to the front of the house, cursing the whole way. There was no way she could leave her car parked in the drive after today. She would be too paranoid that someone would attack it again. Her car was an innocent bystander in the feud the town had against her and it was her duty to protect it. It seemed nothing was sacred anymore. That meant once she was done cleaning the car, Lorna was going to have to clean out the spare car parts littering her garage so she could have space to park her baby inside. She couldn’t leave the car parts on the drive because that would just give the town more of a reason to harass her. They already considered her trash. There was no reason to add more fuel to the fire, so it looked like she would be making a trip to the shop anyway to take the spare parts. In other words, her nice, quiet, relaxing Sunday was shot to hell.
    “I swear if I find out who did this to you I’ll kill ’em.” She patted the hood of the car. “I’m so sorry, baby. You didn’t deserve this.”
    Lorna got to work cleaning the windshield. While she was at it, she decided to clean the whole car. By the time she was done, she was soaking wet. It wasn’t until she was flipping some idiot off who drove by propositioning her from his car window, that Lorna realized what she was wearing. She had just woken up and was on her first mug of coffee when she looked out her front window and saw what had been done to her car. In her haste to make sure her baby wasn’t further damaged, she ran out the door without thinking. Now, standing there in her in her front yard dripping with water and soap suds, she realized she was still in the boy shorts and ribbed white tank top she had gone to bed in.
    No matter what the town said or thought about her, going outside half-dressed wasn’t something Lorna normally did. Standing in the yard with her hands on her hips, she glanced down at her soaking wet tank top. “Lord, I can totally see my nipples in this shirt.”
    * * * *
    Jacob Benson sprayed coffee out of his mouth and across his front porch when he heard his neighbor across the street comment on her nipples. He had to agree, he could totally see her nipples, even from where he was sitting. Not that he was complaining about the view or anything. In fact, he definitely liked what he saw. His neighbor was hot. She had caramel skin and short, black pixie hair. From where he sat, he couldn’t tell her eye color or really get a good view of her face, but he saw her body, and what a body it was. She looked to be about average height,
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