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Sins of the Past (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Sins of the Past (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Titel: Sins of the Past (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
Autoren: Keyonna Davis
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    The whispering he heard in the background finally got loud enough to distract him and Jacob looked up to see that the majority of the people in the store had stopped what they were doing and were staring at him and Lorna and whispering to each other. He frowned. “What the hell is wrong with this town?”
    “Don’t worry,” Lorna waved them off and grabbed that handle of the cart. “I’m used to it. It’s an everyday occurrence where I’m concerned. By the time we leave here, the whole town will know that the great Lorna Marco strikes again. By the time the story gets around, I will have stolen you right out of Ashley’s arms with my slutly ways and basically raped you right here on the floor for all to see.”
    Jacob shook his head as he watched Lorna start to move down the aisle, leaving him standing there. When he had decided he was bored enough to risk driving to go grocery shopping, he never expected so much drama. He had no clue what to even say after Lorna’s comment, although, he wouldn’t have minded one bit if she did have her way with him right there on the floor.
    Catching up to Lorna, he said the first thing that came to mind. “Is slutly even a word?”
    Lorna doubled over laughing and he couldn’t help but laugh as well. “You stick with me, and I’ll teach you a few things. You’ll learn that I have quite a vocabulary.” She winked at him. “Now, let’s finish shopping because I hate this place.”
    Jacob had no complaints about that. All the people slowly trailing behind them were starting to creep him out. He had a feeling they weren’t there because of him either.
    Lorna was quiet as they finished shopping. The people in the store seemed to realize nothing more exciting was going to happen and eventually went on about their business. Jacob had noticed Lorna throwing her own things in the basket along with his and held back his laugh when they got to the register and she placed them on the conveyor belt alongside his. She lifted one brow and crossed her arms over her chest when the girl at the register told him the total. Jacob pulled his wallet out and paid for everything, but he had a plan forming in his head.
    Once they were at his truck, he grabbed the bags before Lorna could say anything and put them on the backseat, then shut the door. “You can come by the house tonight around six to pick up your groceries. While you’re there, we can have dinner.”
    “I saved you from that hoebag and you’re holding my groceries hostage?”
    Jacob grinned. “Don’t worry. They won’t be harmed as long as you show up.” He watched several emotions play across her face as he waited for her to answer. Lorna would never win in any poker matches in his opinion.
    “Okay, but make it six thirty. I have to go home and shower first.”
    She walked off before Jacob could respond. He watched her hips sway and the rounded cheeks of her ass bounce a little with each step she took. Groaning, Jacob got into his truck and started toward home. He still had several hours to get everything ready, but he had a feeling he was going to have to take care of the hard-on currently tenting his pants before he could even begin to function.

Chapter 5
    What the hell was I thinking? Lorna grabbed the brush she used to clean the grease from under her fingernails as she stood under the hot water. She felt sick to her stomach and knew it was her nerves getting the best of her. Jacob was the first man who seemed to be truly interested in her. He knew nothing about her supposed reputation. He wasn’t just asking her out just to get into her pants and she had no idea how to handle that. If he had been only after sex, she would have been able to handle the situation with no problem.
    Lorna had plenty of practice putting the guys in town in their place. In high school, not only was she known as a slut, but when guys realized she wouldn’t put out, she became a frigid bitch. How she could be both a slut and frigid at the same time, Lorna had no idea. She stopped wondering how the backwoods locals thought a long time ago.
    Once she was done cleaning her nails the best she could, Lorna quickly washed and got out of the shower. She ran her hand across the mirror to clear the fog and stared at herself. She knew she wouldn’t win any beauty pageants, but thanks to having a black father and white mother, her skin was a soft caramel color most women would kill to have. She had plenty of women tell her they
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