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Titel: Sanctuary
Autoren: Nora Roberts
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can get on or off the island until Carla’s done with us. Everything’s grounded.”
    Oh, God. She wasn’t a surgeon. For the first time in her life, Kirby cursed herself for not heeding her father’s wishes. The entrance wound was small, easily dealt with, but the exit wound had ripped a hole in Brian’s back nearly as big as her fist. She felt the panic scraping at her nerves and shut her eyes.
    “Okay, all right. We need to get him stabilized. Giff, for now keep pressure here, right here, and keep it firm. If it bleeds through don’t remove the padding. Add more. Use your other hand to hold this arterial pressure point. Keep your fingers flat and firm. Kate, get my bag. You’ll see the rubber tube. You’re going to make a tourniquet.”
    As she readied a syringe, her voice went cool. She’d chosen to heal, and by God, she would heal. She took one long look at Brian’s waxy face. “I’m keeping you with me, you hear?”
    As she slid the needle under his skin, the house went black.
    NATHAN struggled toward the surface of a red mist, slid back. It seemed vital that he break through it, though the pain whenever he got close to the thin, shimmery skin was monstrous. He was chilled to the bone, felt as though he was being pulled down into a vat of icy water. He clung to the edge again, felt those mists close in and thicken and with a vicious leap, cut through.
    He found himself in a nightmare, dark and violent. The wind screamed like a thousand demons set loose, and water gushed over him, choking him when he tried to gulp in air. With his head reeling, he rolled over, got on his hands and knees. The water from the rising river beside him was up over his wrists. He tried to gain his feet, slid toward unconsciousness. The cold slap of water as his face hit the ground jerked him back.
    Kyle. It had been Kyle. Back from the dead. This Kyle had streaming blond hair rather than brown, an almost brutal tan rather than citypale skin. And lively madness in his eyes.
    “Jo Ellen.” He choked it out as he began to crawl away from the sucking water of the river. Murmured it like a prayer as he dug his fingers into the streaming bark of a tree to fight his way to his feet. And as he began a stumbling, wind-whipped run to Sanctuary, he screamed it.
    “I’M not going to lose him.” Kirby spoke matter-of-factly as she worked by the light of a lantern. Her mind was rigidly calm, forcing out the screaming fears and doubts. “Stay with me, Brian.”
    “You’ll need more light.” Giff stroked a hand over Lexy’s hair. “If you can spare me here, I’ll go down and get the generator started.”
    “Whoever did this ...” Lexy gripped his hand. “They could be anywhere.”
    “You stay right here.” He lifted her hand to kiss it. “Kirby may need some help.” He moved to the bed, bending low as if to study Brian, and spoke softly to Sam. “You got a gun in the house?”
    Sam continued to stare at the tubing that was transferring his blood to his son. “My room, top of the closet. There’s a metal box. Got a thirty-eight, and ammo.” His gaze shifted briefly, measured the man. “I’ll trust you to use it if you have to.”
    Giff nodded, turned to give Lexy a quick smile. “I’ll be back.”
    “Is there another lantern, more candles?” Kirby lifted Brian’s eyelid. His pupils were fully dilated with shock. “If I don’t close this exit wound, he’s going to lose more blood than I can get into him.”
    Kate rushed over with a flashlight, beamed it onto the ripped flesh. “Don’t let him go.” She fought to blink back the tears. “Don’t let my boy go.”
    “We’re keeping him here.”
    “We won’t lose him, Kate.” Sam reached out, took the hand she had balled up at her side.
    “Giff may have trouble with the generator.” Jo spoke quietly, laying a hand on Lexy’s shoulder. “I’m going to go down and get more emergency lights.”
    “I’ll go with you.”
    “No, stay here. Kirby may need another pair of hands. Daddy can’t help, and Kate’s not going to hold up much longer. I’ll be quick.” She gave Lexy’s shoulder a squeeze.
    She took a flashlight and slipped out quietly. She had to do something, anything to help hold back the fear for Brian, for Nathan. For all of them.
    What if Nathan was shot too, lying out there bleeding, dying? There was nothing she could do to stop it. And how could she live if she only stood by?
    He’s taken shelter, she promised
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