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Right to Die

Right to Die

Titel: Right to Die
Autoren: Jeremiah Healy
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John. At her home.”
    I thought about it.
    Bacall added, “Maisy has a town house on Beacon Hill . The third note was in with the delivered mail but not stamped.”
    “Where are the originals?”
    Bacall said, “Inés?”
    Roja indicated the “ONLY GOD” note. “When I opened the first, I told the professor. She said not to worry, but I kept it anyway. When I opened the second, I called Alec. I told him I wanted to go to the police. He told me just to call them, so I did. But they did not seem very interested, the police.”
    Bacall said, “When the third one arrived, Inés contacted me again. I told her this time maybe she’d better go to the police with the things.”
    I said to Roja, “And did you?”
    “Yes. I went to the police, and I brought the letters with me. They told me they cannot do much, but they kept the originals and told me to call if we get another one.”
    “Did you bring them the envelopes too?”
    “The first one, no. I tore it up when I was upset about the letter in it. The second one, yes, and the third one too.”
    “Name and address the same as the notes?”
    “I do not understand?”
    “On the envelopes. Were there cut-and-paste words like on the letters themselves?”
    “Oh. Yes, yes.”
    “Here in Boston .”
    “So the police have the originals.”
    I looked at the sheets on my desk. Bright, clear duplicates. “And they made these copies for you?”
    Roja said, “No. I made them. At the law school.”
    “You made them.”
    She looked at me as though I were born without a brain. “I am a secretary, sir. I make a copy before I give away the original of the document.”
    I said to Bacall, “You go with her to the cops?”
    “Why not?”
    Bacall smiled, arching an eyebrow. “I don’t always bring out the best in peace officers.”
    I said to Roja, “Where did you go to the police?”
    “I called the headquarters on Berkeley Street after the second letter. Then I called them again after the third one, and they told me to go see the police by the Government Center .”
    Area A station house, the division that encompasses Beacon Hill . A simple complaint about unsubstantiated threats wouldn’t be taken too seriously, especially when directed against a lightning rod like Andrus.
    “Do you remember who you spoke to there?”
    “Detective William K. Neely.” Roja dug into the briefcase and produced a business card which she passed across the desk. “He did not want to give me that, but I insisted and so he did.”
    I handed her back the card. “Does the professor receive a lot of threats?”
    Bacall said, “Ten, twelve a week. More after a lecture or TV spot.”
    “Like these?”
    “Oh, worse. Vicious voices on the phone, photos of aborted fetuses, nasty packages through United Parcel with the remains of dead animals laminated inside them. Imagination is one capacity our opponents do not lack.”
    “Then why are you reacting to these?”
    “Because most of the hate mail Maisy gets is signed, you see, names and return addresses. Expecting a direct response, believe me.”
    “And these are anonymous.”
    Roja broke in. “And we have never before had one delivered by hand to the professor’s home.”
    I gathered the sheets into a pile. “Does the professor share your concern?”
    Bacall and Roja exchanged glances.
    He said, “Well, no. It takes rather a lot to get Maisy concerned.”
    “Then it doesn’t exactly sound like she’s interested in hiring me as an investigator, and I’m not much for bodyguarding.”
    Roja said, “The professor does not need a bodyguard.” Bacall caught himself starting to smile. “Maisy doesn’t need a bodyguard because she already has one.”
    I looked from one to the other. “I don’t get it.”
    Bacall said, “A man her former husband befriended and raised in Spain . Manolo’s really more of a house servant, but he never strays far from her side.”
    “You keep saying ‘former husband.’ She’s remarried?”
    “Yes. Tucker Hebert.”
    “The tennis player?”
    “He’ll be pleased to hear you remembered him.”
    “Please, sir.” Roja thrust her head forward, the eyes and mouth set for imploring. “I believe, and Alec believes, that the professor could be in real danger. We need you to help us.”
    “It sounds more like you need someone to convince Ms. Andrus that she should take this seriously. Without her cooperation, there’s not much I
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