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Return to You

Return to You

Titel: Return to You
Autoren: Kate Perry
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lucky to find a band that can
play such diverse music. Not many can go from Duke Ellington to
salsa so seamlessly."
    "Dance with me."
    "Excuse me?" She couldn't have heard correctly.
    "I want you to dance with me." Not waiting for her
answer, he steered her toward the makeshift dance floor where
people were swaying to a slow, romantic tune. He gathered her close
and masterfully glided her around.
    Lainie sighed and settled into his
arms. It felt right to be there. She wasn't sure how much longer
she'd be able to hold out. It was torturous being so close to him
without being close to him.
    He pressed his hand against the small of her back,
bringing her close enough to whisper. "You look stunning tonight,
    "Thank you."
    "Red suits you. I'm surprised you never wore much of
it before."
    "You noticed?"
    "I can't believe I didn't notice more." He tightened
his grip on her. "We need to—"
    A commotion at the front door caught their
attention. Sophie walked in, resplendent in peacock blue, followed
by her entourage. Sophie required her assistants to wear only
black. Lainie once heard her say black made the best backdrop for
    Sophie Martineau may be one of the businesses most
difficult actors but no one could deny how stunning she was. Men
all succumbed to her sweet blond radiance, not seeing the claws she
kept so well trimmed. Lainie didn't know of any man who wouldn't
want to be with Sophie.
    She glanced at Everett, wondering if he found Sophie
attractive. He looked impassive but she could see a hint of
impatience in his regard.
    Then he frowned.
    Lainie followed his gaze. Sophie homed in on
Michael, clinging to his arm like a parasite. From the way Michael
ran his hands down her back, he didn't seem to mind.
    "Oh no." Lainie searched the room, hoping Olivia,
who'd come in with Michael, was in the restroom.
    No such luck. Olivia stood off to one side, alone,
watching Michael and Sophie through narrowed eyes.
    She shook her head. "This isn't good."
    "Agreed." Everett propelled her forward. "Shall I
intercept Sophie while you take care of Olivia?"
    "Yes." She stopped him with a hand on his forearm.
"You're a good man, Everett Parker."
    For a moment, he dropped his guard and she could see
beyond his careful shell. His eyes were full of emotion—surprise,
pleasure, and hope. She ached to show him how good he really was,
to prove it so he believed it as fervently as she did.
    Throwing caution to the wind, she got up on tiptoes
and kissed him softly on his lips. "Go. I'll look after your
    As she turned to go to Olivia, he tugged her back.
Without a word, he dropped his mouth to hers and gave her a hard
kiss that curled her toes. He broke it as suddenly as he initiated
it, satisfaction written on his very male features. "Remember that
for later," he said before he stalked away.
    She watched him, bemused, running her fingers along
her lips. She felt imprinted by him and as unliberated as it was,
she loved the feeling.
    Later. She couldn't wait.
    But first things first. She needed to diffuse
Olivia. By the look in her eyes, Olivia was a moment away from
ripping Michael apart with her bare hands.
    Not that she could blame her. Lainie glared at
Michael as she rushed to Olivia's side. She'd be willing to
    Eve and her husband reached Olivia before she did.
Eve's hand rested on Olivia's arm—whether to comfort or hold her
back, Lainie wasn't sure.
    Eve's husband, Treat, nodded at her when she joined
their party. Lainie had only met him a few times but she'd liked
him immediately. He was a lot like Everett—virile, manly, and sure
of himself, only with longer hair.
    Eve was talking softly to Olivia. "—sure you're
okay? Because you don't look it."
    Olivia frowned but her gaze stayed on the spectacle
Sophie was making. "What do I look like?"
    "Like you could take Mike Tyson single-handedly,"
Treat said.
    She tore her gaze away from Michael, noticing for
the first time the small posse surrounding her. "What are you guys
doing? You're corralling me like I'm a rabid animal."
    "We're not corralling. We're lending support." Eve
scowled in Sophie's direction.
    Lainie nodded. "We're just concerned about you."
    "Well, I'm fine." Olivia flipped her hair over her
    How could Michael want Sophie over Olivia? Looking
at Olivia now, Lainie didn't understand it. Sophie was pretty in a
pouty, little girl way but that type of beauty always faded in
    Olivia was striking. Her hair was loose and parted
in a
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