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Rescue Me

Rescue Me

Titel: Rescue Me
Autoren: Rachel Gibson
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and Blake turned his attention to Deeann. “I love redheads. What’s your name, beautiful?”
    Sadie fought not to roll her eyes but Deeann ate it up like a peanut patty. The two had hardly exchanged names before they were off to the back room to play pool.
    “You need a drink?”
    Standing so close, her heart pounded in her chest and throat. “I was just on my way out.”
    His gaze lowered to her lips. In that way he had of watching her talk. “I’ll walk you.”
    “No need.”
    He placed his hand on the small of her back and she let him. Like it was no big deal. Like he hadn’t shattered her heart. Like his touch didn’t make her want to curl into his chest. Like she didn’t hurt so badly she wondered why she didn’t die from it.
    “How are things at the JH?”
    Like the touch of his hand and the smell of his skin didn’t muddle her head and confuse her senses. “I might have a sister,” she blurted as they stepped out into the cool May night. She hadn’t meant to confess that to anyone. Especially not Vince. They weren’t friends anymore. He didn’t need to know her business, but she knew him well enough to know that he wouldn’t mention it to anyone. She didn’t have to ask him not to.
    “Nothing. Forget it. Never mind.” Once outside, she stepped away and his hand fell to his side. “It might not even be true, and I wouldn’t even know how to find her if it is true.”
    T hey moved beneath the stars cramming the dark Texas sky, but Vince found no calm on this night. Peace did not soothe him. He hadn’t known Sadie would be at the Road Kill. Hadn’t known how he would feel the first time he saw her again. Hadn’t known it would feel like the world was falling apart beneath his feet even as it stood absolutely still. Hadn’t known his lungs would burn with each breath he tried to catch.
    “There’s my car.” She pointed to the left, and the crunch of gravel beneath the heels of her boots filled the space between them. The last time she’d worn those boots, he’d been deep inside her, up against his refrigerator. Lost in her and not thinking about the end. Not thinking about anything but how good being with her felt. “You can go back in now,” she added.
    He couldn’t go back. Not now. They stopped by her driver’s side door and he reached for her. She stepped back, and once again his hand fell to his side. “I never wanted to hurt you, Sadie,” he said.
    She looked down at the toes of her boots. “I knew you’d get bored and move on.”
    “I wasn’t bored.” He didn’t make the mistake of reaching for her again and curled his hands into fists. “Never bored.”
    She shook her head, and the moon shone in her pale hair and the side of her face. “It doesn’t matter.”
    “It does.”
    “Then why did you treat me like I didn’t matter?” She looked up and placed a hand on her chest. “Like I was nothing.”
    Because she’d seen him at his worst. Because he hated that he had nightmares like a little girl and now she knew about them. Because he’d felt lower than nothing. “ You were never nothing.”
    “I always knew you’d move on. I always knew it would end, but did you really have to break my heart on the same day I buried my daddy?”
    “I’m sorry.”
    “Couldn’t you have waited? At least one day?”
    He hadn’t meant to end things at all. He’d give anything to take back that night. To have stayed awake all night and not allowed himself to fall asleep. To have stayed awake and watched her while she slept. “I’m sorry, Sadie.”
    Moonlight bounced off her forehead as she lowered her brows. “Sorry. People who step on my foot say they’re sorry. You stomped on my heart and that’s all you can say? You’re sorry?”
    “Yeah.” Mostly he was sorry that he was standing next to her and couldn’t touch her. He couldn’t talk to her about all the stuff he’d done at the Gas and Go and listen to her talk about everything happening in her life.
    She moved before he saw her coming at him. She placed her hands on his chest and pushed hard. “Sorry?” She was so angry she actually shoved him back on his heels. “You probably think that makes everything okay.”
    “No.” He placed his hand over hers. “Nothing is okay anymore.” He slid his palm to the side of her head and lowered his face to hers. “I want you,” he whispered. “I’ve never wanted anything like I want you.”
    “Vince.” His name on her lips brushed his
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