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Private Dick Casefile 01 - Lily White Rose Red

Private Dick Casefile 01 - Lily White Rose Red

Titel: Private Dick Casefile 01 - Lily White Rose Red
Autoren: Catt Ford
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first time—no, that isn’t what I—I meant, I’ve been around—no, I haven’t been around—it’s just—” He cut me off, to my relief. “I hope to see you here again, Mr.
    Randall. I enjoy meeting new people in my clubs.” He released my hand and got up to go. “Gotta make the rounds. I’ll see you a little later.”
    My head was spinning. What did he mean? Was I supposed to wait around? Did he really want to see me, or did he say that to all the guys? Or just the new guys?
    He moved on to the next table, and I watched him bend over to exchange some words. His shoulders were broad, tapering to narrow hips, and his legs were long. His hair was so dark it could have been black for all I could tell in the dim light. He worked the room, going from one table to another, with a word and a smile for everyone. I could see how this place was such a success. If he smiled at me like that, I would have laid down right on the floor for him. In fact, I don’t know what kept me in my seat.
    “Suck your tongue back in, Grey.” Reggie was shaking with silent laughter, sure he had one on me now.
    I was a little too stunned to pull the wool over his eyes. “Who the fuck was that?”
    “That was the owner.”
    “Yeah, no shit. His name, Reggie.”
    “Trouble with your memory? I told you before, Phillip Martin.
    AKA Mr. Big, to us on the force.”
    Of course. We had already covered this, hadn’t we? “AKA Mr.
    Beautiful,” I muttered to myself.
    “To those suffering from chronic blue balls, maybe.” Fuck, he heard me. Reggie was smirking at me now. He was so fucking pleased with himself.
    “Just to make sure I’m following along, bear with me here.” I had to get his mind back on the case before he laughed himself silly at my 36


    expense. “The dame, Miss Saint-Ville, was hired by Mr. Big to sing at night here at Lambda, a queer club, even though he knew what she was.
    Jazz Morgan falls for the frail, leaving you sighing and horny in the shadows. So maybe you did it.”
    That snapped him to. “Fuck you, Grey! I wouldn’t kill a woman for that!”
    “No? What would you kill her for? How much?” Maybe I just had to let off steam after my scare in the alley earlier, even though Reggie hadn’t shopped me.
    “You know me better than that!” He was glaring at me like he wanted to burn me right there.
    “You have a motive.”
    “There were other men in her life with better reasons. You think they liked it that she was making eyes at a Negro?”
    “What other men?”
    He closed his lips firmly and shook his head.
    “You know who did it, don’t you?”
    “I don’t know for sure. All I know is she had other men in her life.”
    “You could just tell me. Once I know where to look, I’ll find the evidence, and then we can all go home.” I nodded toward Jazz. “Maybe when he knows for sure, it’ll let up for him.” Reggie looked tempted, but he shook his head again. “I don’t know who they were. I just know it wasn’t Jazz.”
    “You’re being a big fucking help.”
    “Yeah, that’s what I live for. To help a private dick make the cops look bad. Look, I did what I could, steering the flash broad your way.
    You stand to make a bundle, while I—”
    The sarcastic number came back and put the drink down in front of Reggie, who shut his trap smartly. The waiter glared at me, daring me to order another drink, but I shook my head, so he gave a sniff and left.

    Lily White, Rose Red: Grey Randall, Private Dick Casefile #1

    I watched Jazz Morgan as he let his heart pour out his fingertips. I couldn’t tell if he was sad about the girl or mad at himself for wandering across the line. Two lines, really. I’d seen him glance over here a couple times, always when Reggie wasn’t looking, but I didn’t mention it. Didn’t want to give Reggie a bum steer. “You got it bad.”
    “Just because you have ice water in your veins doesn’t mean the rest of us just want to fuck and run like hell.”
    “Better than getting hurt,” I shot back.
    “You can’t hurt a man with no feelings.”
    Two for two! He was on fire tonight, and that was below the belt.
    Now I didn’t feel so bad about that crack earlier. Reggie knew, better than anyone else, that I had feelings. I knew he was just angry, but still—
    “It’s okay.”
    Reggie stood up. “Listen, you know I like to mess around with photography.”
    I nodded.
    “I took some publicity stills for the owner. In color.
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