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PI On A Hot Tin Roof

PI On A Hot Tin Roof

Titel: PI On A Hot Tin Roof
Autoren: Julie Smith
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also a state famous for our colorful judges, and some have been convicted—or at least accused—of most of Buddy Champagne’s crimes and misdeeds. But no one judge, to my knowledge, has been so much as suspected of all of them. Buddy’s misbehavior is truly a composite, and to the extent that the character of Buddy himself was inspired by anybody, it’s a fictional character. I confess that, like Talba Wallis, I found he reminded me of Big Daddy in the Tennessee Williams play from which I borrowed my title.

About the Author
    JULIE SMITH is a New Orleans writer and former reporter for the San Francisco
and the New Orleans
. NEW ORLEANS MOURNING, her first novel featuring New Orleans cop Skip Langdon, won the Edgar Allan Poe Award for Best Novel, and she has since published eight more highly acclaimed books in the series, plus spun off a second New Orleans series featuring PI and poet Talba Wallis.
    She is also the author of the Rebecca Schwartz series and the Paul Mcdonald series, plus the YA novels CURSEBUSTERS! and EXPOSED. In addition to her novels, she’s written numerous essays and short stories and is the editor of NEW ORLEANS NOIR.
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