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Override (Glitch)

Override (Glitch)

Titel: Override (Glitch)
Autoren: Heather Anastasiu
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still love you.” He leaned toward me. I held up a hand, wrapping my power around him like a straight jacket to keep him away from me.
    “Why did you blame it on Saminsa then?”
    Max sighed, looking defeated. “Simin came in and saw the code ready on the screen, so I had to blame it on someone.”
    I gritted my teeth, trying to hold in all the pain. I tried to get to the peaceful place, tried to touch the shining calm like I was able to do in meditation practice. But all I could feel was rage.
    “Is that all?”
    He nodded. “I swear, Zoe, that’s all.”
    I grabbed him roughly by the arm and dragged him up off the floor. “If you try to get away again, I’ll kill you.”
    Max’s eyes widened. He looked at me like he didn’t know me, and it was true—he didn’t. I realized in that moment I was capable of much worse, and that if something happened to Adrien, I might even enjoy it.
    He nodded slowly.
    “Good.” I forced him ahead of me with my grip like a steel band around his arm. The telek sang in my mind, a harsh screaming harmonic. I spoke into my arm com, trying to keep my voice as steady as possible. “I’ve got him. Meet me in the Caf.” I pushed the mangled equipment room door out of the way and steered Max out into the hallway.
    Hurried footsteps pounded down the hallway toward us. I looked up just as a shrill voice called. “Max! Max!”
    Molla, stomach protruding far in front of her, was running straight toward us.
    “Stop,” I said, putting out an arm to keep her back with my power. Molla struggled like a wild animal against the soft invisible barrier my telek created. I heard more footsteps behind me and saw Cole and Juan running after her.
    Tears gleamed in Molla’s eyes. “They said you’ve been here all this time…”
    “I’m sorry,” Max said, his eyebrows knit in what looked like genuine remorse. But I knew him too well now. He slipped on masks like others did a fresh tunic. “I tried to talk to you, but you always turned me away.”
    “Because I thought you were Adrien!” she shouted. “You didn’t come back for me, did you? You came for her.” She spun on me, hatred in her eyes. “Why is it always her?”
    She launched herself at me, but Cole and Juan caught her and held her tight. She struggled against them.
    “Calm down, Molla, please,” Max said, pleading. “Think of the baby.”
    Juan looked at Cole. “Can you take her out of here?”
    Cole nodded and swept the weeping girl up into his arms.
    “I’m sorry,” Max called after her.
    Juan looked at Max with loathing, pulling out a syringe from his pocket. “Jilia gave me this. He deserves much worse.”
    “I’ll hold him still.” I turned to look at Max and poured my telek over him so he couldn’t move while Juan stepped closer and inserted the needle in his neck. “Take him to the Med Center and let Jilia know that Saminsa was innocent.”
    “Wait, Zoe, I’m so sorry,” Max said. “You have to believe me, I’m so sorry—”
    He slumped to the ground.
    *   *   *
    When I got into the Caf, I saw Adrien’s mother pointing at a 3-D satellite map hovering in the cube over the central table. The rest of my team was sitting around the table and several Rez fighters stood nearby. I hurried in and grabbed a chair.
    “Ginni says Adrien is in Portston, and the Chancellor is with him.” Sophia pushed on the image and the map zoomed in. “Right here, in this building.” She pulled back. “So we need to organize an extraction mission. Can we get the schematics of the building?”
    “Wait,” City said. “Shouldn’t we think about this? Won’t it be another trap?”
    Sophia’s eyes flashed. “He’s my son!”
    “And Bright is the Underchancellor of Defense.” City’s voice rose. “She has squadrons of Regs at her command. It’d be suicide.”
    “The girl’s right,” said one of the Rez fighters, stepping forward. “We can’t risk countless lives on a mission just to rescue one person.” Things were quickly spiraling out of control, everyone arguing and panicking. The General slammed her hand on the table.
    “Enough,” she said. She turned to the Rez fighter. “Normally I would agree with you. But he’s not just any boy. His visions make him an incredibly dangerous asset that is now in the Chancellor’s hands. Leaving him with her could endanger us all. The Chancellor will know every step before we make it. She’s already crippled us. If Adrien stays with her, she’ll be
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