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Naughty In Nice (A Royal Spyness Mystery)

Naughty In Nice (A Royal Spyness Mystery)

Titel: Naughty In Nice (A Royal Spyness Mystery)
Autoren: Rhys Bowen
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    Bowen, Rhys.
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    PR6052.O848N38 2011
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This book is dedicated to Marie O’Day,
whom I have elevated to the ranks of royalty for this story.

    Chapter 1
January 15, 1933
Weather forecast: showers turning to sleet later. Outlook:
    The Riviera had never looked more inviting. The sun sparkled on a sea of deepest blue. Elegant couples strolled beneath the palm trees on the Promenade des Anglais. The scent of mimosa blossoms hung in the air while a seagull soared lazily overhead. . . . I gave a contented sigh.
    “ ’Ere, watch it, love. You’re slopping soup all over.” The gruff voice brought me back to the present with a jerk. I wrenched my eyes away from the poster on the wall and down to the scene in front of me. A long, gray line of shabbily dressed men, muffled against the bitter cold, snaked across Victoria Station. They clutched mugs or bowls and stood patiently, eyes down or staring, as I had been, into a world that nobody else could see but them. I was currently helping out at the station soup kitchen. It was a bitter and bleak January day, and I felt as cold and miserable as those poor wretches who shuffled past me.
    “Oh, crikey. Sorry,” I muttered as I noticed the trail of soup splashed across the oilcloth table. “I wasn’t concentrating.”
    “It’s all right, love. It can’t be much fun doling out soup all day, not for a young lady like you.”
    “Oh, I don’t mind,” I said. “Help yourself to bread.”
    “Thank you kindly, miss.” The man gave me a half nod, half bow. “You’re a real toff, you are.”
    He was correct, of course. I am a real toff—Lady Victoria Georgiana Charlotte Eugenie, daughter of the second Duke of Glen Garry and Rannoch, thirty-fourth in line to the throne of England—and I was helping out at the soup kitchen for several reasons: The first reason, naturally, was that I couldn’t find a proper job. I had been educated to curtsy without falling over (most of the time), to know whether a bishop takes precedence over a duke (depends if it’s an archbishop or a royal duke) and which fork to eat oysters with (trick question: oysters are tipped from the shell straight into the mouth). I had never learned useful things like typing or
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