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Naked Hero - The Journey Away

Naked Hero - The Journey Away

Titel: Naked Hero - The Journey Away
Autoren: J. K. Brighton
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Murdoch had been watching anxiously from the stand, not at all happy about what he was witnessing. So it came as no surprise to Scott when the incumbent coach, whose job it still was, brought the session to an early close and declared that Lewis would be better relaxing back at the house. No one was of a mind to disagree, especially Scott Taylor.
    But Lewis didn’t seem able to relax, no matter how hard the masseur and sports shrink worked on him. And Scott couldn’t relax either, his mind constantly flicking between the match ahead and the life that would then potentially follow – a life with Lewis, but who else would be involved? It would be oh so simple if he declared himself: no need for secrets; no need for lies. But the consequences of admission were riddled with horror – at least while his elderly parents were alive. Could he seriously expect Lewis to accept this? Was it possible for the lad to reach his full potential whilst holding their guilty secret? How long would it take anyway before it got exposed? The question raged again – was it really all worth it? He’d thought the answer was yes – definitely the trial period where curiosity would be satisfied, and almost certainly ratified. But in the cold light of day where tennis took centre place, Scott found himself questioning if he’d been wrong to pursue it. Had he created a situation through selfish lust that perhaps one night would have satisfied, which had ended up backfiring spectacularly, with Lewis’s chances of winning the title as the main casualty? Was Lewis wound up because of him? Why couldn’t the lad relax?
    A nd it proved too much for him when a suggestion was made by another member of the inner circle who smiled at him knowingly before she delivered her blow.
    “It’s a shame Lee isn’t here ,” was Fiona’s view. “He always seems to get Lewis relaxed by talking a load of drivel at times. Cheaper than a sports psychologist as well – maybe something to think about for the future – involving a friend who actually understands that he needs more than tennis in his life.”
    Scott left shortly afterwards to go and freshen up at the Langham. It had been a sobering experience, and one that he seriously needed to think through.

Chapter 57
    Routines, rituals, superstitions – the day of a big final can be full of such things, especially if it’s played in the evening and too many hours are there to be filled. Lewis had adhered to the routines around food and exercise and his bodily functions, trying to practice and relax, taking an afternoon nap, getting his kit ready, and saying a few words to the media. Too young and inexperienced to know any better, he allowed himself to be processed by supposed experts, only one of whom had actually been there in Lewis’s shoes. Like a good believer he acted on faith, hoping it would work and he’d be ready. It was just another match after all – an important match, but just another match. That’s why routines are so important.
    So was that why everyone was making such a fuss? Because it was just another match!
    It didn’t seem like that to Lewis. He was edgy for most of the day - especially on the practice court with Scott as his hitting partner. That thankfully short session didn’t feel routine in the slightest – there were too many issues being batted back and forwards – there was tension in every ball sent over the net. No wonder Lewis was firing so many of his shots wild. It had become so complex with his American idol, and Lewis needed to keep things simple. He needed to clear his mind of all the questions that raged, and focus only on one thing until after the final.
    Following the same rituals was supposed to help with that. Some players were obsessive and it apparently worked for them, doing the simplest things to a prescribed pattern – like dressing in a certain order, tying left shoelace first; or when on court bouncing the ball a set number of times before a serve. For Lewis it was his kit bag – that always had to be right. No one but no one could interfere with that. He liked everything the way it should be, and certainty it was all there: the various drinks he would take and a variety of snacks; the tennis equipment beyond the rackets; and of course the clothing he would wear. Spares of everything would be taken: shoes, socks, sweat bands and shorts, and a whole selection of shirts to be changed into as the match progressed. Lewis liked to place them in the
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