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Midnight Jewels

Midnight Jewels

Titel: Midnight Jewels
Autoren: Jayne Ann Krentz
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and stepped out onto the sidewalk to wait for him. The bell tinkled cheerfully as the door closed behind her.
    Croft looked at her through the glass as he finished checking the back door locks. He still couldn't get over the fact that she was his wife. It sent a wave of elation through him that couldn't be equaled by any other kind of knowledge.
    When he finished checking the back door, he opened the front door and walked outside to join Mercy.
    As usual, when Croft entered or exited the shop, the bell overhead didn't make a sound.
    Croft turned back with a frown. Some old habits were hard to break. "Just a minute, Mercy."
    He unlocked the door, went back inside the shop, closed the door and smiled at Mercy through the glass. Then he reopened the door and stepped outside again.
    This time he made sure the bell chimed loudly.
    "You don't have to prove anything to me, you know," Mercy told him with loving laughter in her eyes. "I never did believe you were a ghost. Just a little hard to pin down at tunes."
    Croft grinned at her and threw an arm around her shoulders to pull her close to his side. Then the grin became a roar of full, masculine laughter that filled the street and Mercy's heart.
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