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Magic Tree House #49: Stallion by Starlight (A Stepping Stone Book(TM))

Magic Tree House #49: Stallion by Starlight (A Stepping Stone Book(TM))

Titel: Magic Tree House #49: Stallion by Starlight (A Stepping Stone Book(TM))
Autoren: Mary Pope Osborne
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delivered his writings to the ruler of Baghdad.
    “We’ve heard of you,” said Annie. “You’re a big thinker. We saved your writings once, but a camelate them.” She laughed. “It wasn’t funny at the time. But—”
said Jack. He shook his head. It would be impossible to explain their trip to Baghdad. That trip had happened more than a thousand years after
time in history. “My sister has a big imagination,” he said.
    “So it would seem,” said Aristotle. “Her ideas about the universe are completely wrong, of course, but I am astonished that she has a theory.”
    “Why?” asked Annie.
    “I did not think that girls had the ability to think about such things,” said Aristotle.
    Annie looked at Jack. “He’s kidding, right?” she said.
    Jack laughed nervously. “Well, no,” he said. “That’s what people thought a long time ago.”
    Scowling, Annie started to say something, but Aristotle smiled at her. “You must be a very special kind of girl. Come. Let us walk and talk, and you can show me what big thinkers you both are.”
    Jack and Annie fell into step with thephilosopher as he started across the square. “Besides contemplating the universe, what else do you think about?” Aristotle asked Annie.
    “Um … I think a lot about animals,” she said.
    “Wonderful. Animals always reveal to us something natural and beautiful,” said Aristotle. “So you study them?”
study them,” Annie said. “But more than that, I fall in love with them. I think that’s the way I really learn.”
    “Ah, very good,” said Aristotle. “To truly educate your mind, you must also educate your heart. And where does your heart lead you, Jack? Do you prefer a life of sports? Military training?”
    Jack shook his head. “I’m not super-great at sports,” he said, “or military training. But I’m good at doing research. I take notes on everything.” Jack found it surprisingly easy to talk with the philosopher. “I love learning about the rain forests and the deep sea and the moon. I love learning about everything, really.”
    “Me too!” said Annie.
    “Indeed?” said Aristotle. “You both are remarkable!”
    Jack shrugged. “Not really. I guess we just kind of know ourselves.”
    “So it would seem,” Aristotle said. “Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.”
    “The more Jack and I learn about the world, the more we learn about ourselves,” said Annie. “We’re always trying new stuff.”
    “Yeah, even if we make fools of ourselves sometimes,” said Jack. “Especially me.”
    Aristotle chuckled. “I think we should all dare to make fools of ourselves again and again,” he said. “Anyone who fears looking like a fool must say nothing, do nothing, and be nothing.”
    “So it would seem,” said Annie.
    “May I ask: why have you come to Macedonia?” said Aristotle. “Does your visit have a purpose?”
    “It does,” said Jack with a laugh. He was enjoying talking to Aristotle so much that he’d forgotten their mission. “Actually, we’re looking for Alexander the Great.”
    “Do you know him?” asked Annie.
    “I know a prince named Alexander, the son of King Philip,” said Aristotle.
    “That’s him!” said Annie.
    “But I must say, I would not call him
yet,” said Aristotle. “He is only twelve years old.”
    “Twelve?” said Jack.
    “Yes. Alexander is the reason I, too, have come to Macedonia,” said Aristotle. “When the prince turns thirteen in a few weeks, I will become his tutor. Why are you looking for him?”
    “We’d love to spend some time with him,” said Annie. “We heard he was … you know, great.”
    Aristotle sighed. “The prince would certainly wish you to think so,” he said. “Well. If you want to meet him, King Philip is having a gathering at the Royal House this afternoon. It is close by.” Aristotle pointed to the mansion on the hill above the square. “The prince will be in attendance. Would you like to go with me?”
    “Yes!” Jack and Annie said together.
    “Good. Then let us climb the hill,” said thephilosopher, and he started up a pebble path that led to the Royal House.
    Jack and Annie followed, grinning at each other. “This is fantastic!” Jack said softly. “Maybe our mission will be easier than I thought!”
    When they reached the top of the hill, Jack was surprised by the plainness of the Royal House. It looked like a big white box with a tiled roof and simple
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