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Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 8

Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 8

Titel: Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 8
Autoren: Various Authors
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Hold that thought."
    "Don't be too long." Trey tried for a soft but husky whisper. He still heard the faint murmur of voices from downstairs.
    "Five minutes."
    By the time Trey had gone to his room for fresh boxers and T-shirt for the morning, and then puttered around with tossing a few things back in his suitcase, the shower had cut off. He met Josh in the hallway and they walked into Josh's guest room together. Trey bumped the door shut with his hip and their hands met on the latch.
    They moved into a kiss. This time it was less frantic, more exploration, a collaboration of soft motions of lips pressing together, light touches of tongues, breath that was a murmur of pleasure. Trey wrapped his arms around Josh and let his towel slide to the floor. So good.
    Josh said, "Bed?"
    They slipped in together and turned to each other, legs twining, pressing tightly to each other along hip and chest and groin. Kissing was everything. Trey let his eyes drift shut and gave his mouth and his attention to an exploration of Josh's skin, stubbled jaw and smooth neck, soft temple and short-cropped hair. He brushed his lips over the hollow at Josh's throat and heard Josh moan in appreciation. Josh moved against him doing the same, kissing and licking and nipping wherever he could reach on Trey. Trey tucked his head into the curve of Josh's shoulder, buried his face against Josh's warm firm bulk, and felt the world fade just a little. Josh's hands stroked over Trey's back and then pressed just above his ass.
    Trey only realized he'd softened when his cock responded to that pressure with renewed interest. He arched against Josh's hands and wrapped his arms around Josh tightly. They rubbed together in sweet warmth. Josh was hard along Trey's hip. Trey moved against him languidly, feeling the slide of skin on skin, the slow supple flex of Josh's back under Trey's fingers, the puff of Josh's breath in his hair.
    Josh pushed him back enough to slide down and began to run his tongue over the rippled muscles of Trey's abdomen. Trey moved his hands to Josh's head. That short-cropped hair slipped under his palms like napped fabric, rough and soft at once. He didn't try to guide Josh's explorations, just let his hands ride on that sweet journey. Josh's tongue dipped lower, and then he murmured against Trey's hip, "Am I doing this wrong? You don't seem interested."
    Trey blinked his drooping eyelids hard. "No, that's great. Wonderful. I can't believe I have you here. It's just been a long day."
    "Tell me about it." Josh kissed his stomach and then worked his way up over one nipple and up to Trey's neck. Trey cupped his head in close, just breathing the scent of him. Odd how familiar that was. Surely a person's smell would change over eleven years, but he fell into a vivid scent-memory of holding Josh in mingled surprise and wonder, as their fourteen-year-old selves hugged after a baseball win, back in the days of innocence. Josh...
    Josh nipped at his ear, pulling the lobe through his teeth. Trey laughed and forced his eyes open again. Josh's hands were roaming down to stroke Trey's balls.
    Trey sighed in pleasure tinged with reluctance. "Josh?"
    Josh murmured in his ear, "Yeah?"
    "Would you hate me if I say I'm too damned tired to get it up right now?"
    Josh's laughter buzzed against his temple. "Are you?"
    "Poor baby." Josh's hands slid onto his ass. "You sure I can't fix that?"
    "You got more sleep than I did." Trey ground against Josh's hip and his body responded but he could feel the fatigue underneath it. Damn, this was stupid. Josh was in his bed for a second-time-only re-run of his favorite fantasy. He should be all over that, but all he really wanted was to sleep like this, with his thigh between Josh's, his chest against Josh's lean bulk, his face buried against Josh's skin. "I've been wanting you so bad, but right now mostly I need to hold you. Can we sleep for a bit and then get back to this?"
    Josh kissed his cheek lightly. "Sure."
    "You're not going to dump me for being a defective lover?"
    Josh snorted softly. "I haven't found a defect yet."
    "Not getting it up is sometimes considered a flaw." His eyes were drifting shut again.
    "Are you planning on making it a habit?" Josh pulled him in closer, rearranging them so his weight wasn't crushing Trey's arm.
    "No way..."
    "Then I'm good."
    "You're better than good... awesome... sexy..." Trey was drifting, his fuzzy brain losing the things he wanted to say. Vaguely he
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