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Kushiel's Chosen

Kushiel's Chosen

Titel: Kushiel's Chosen
Autoren: Jacqueline Carey
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you've not returned to the Service of Naamah, but there's naught to prevent you from taking a lover." Her violet gaze drifted over my shoulder, and she inclined her head in greeting. "Well met, my lord Cassiline."
    "My lady Nicola."
    I fair jumped at the sound of Joscelin's voice, craning my head around to see his expression. Nicola laughed, reaching out to stroke my burning cheek.
    "Think on it," she said lightly, moving away.
    I opened my mouth to speak, and Joscelin cut me off. "Phèdre, if you're going to think of taking lovers-"
    "I'm not-"
    "-I think it would be a good idea if you declared me your official consort, first."
    "Joscelin, I'm not..." I stopped, staring at him. He wore a crooked smile and his green-leaved wreath sat askew on his head, making him look rather like a young, drunken god. "Do you mean it?"
    "I told you in La Serenissima, I don't care if you take a thousand patrons-"
    "Not that," I interrupted him. "About declaring you my consort."
    "Oh, that" Joscelin laughed. "Phèdre nó Delaunay, we are mismatched in more ways than I can count, and like as not, we'll find ways to hurt each other neither of us have even dreamt yet. The only thing I can imagine worse than spending my life with you is being without you-I've done it, and I never want to experience the like again. If you can find your way back to my side through besotted pirates, murderous Serenissimans and deadly storms, I'm not going to waste time worrying about a few ambitious patrons. Besides ..." he grinned, "... I reckon I ought to claim the role before you find a way to get that damned Tsingano off his forsaken island, and-"
    He didn't get any further, for at that moment I threw both arms around his neck and kissed him hard enough to make both our heads reel.
    Somewhere in the Temple of Asherat, Melisande Shahrizai was likely spinning a new and deadly plot; somewhere, Elua only knew where, a babe was being raised, with her blood in his veins and a claim to the throne of Terre d'Ange. Somewhere in Illyria, in La Serenissima, in Terre d'Ange, in Alba, the kindred of those slain by events I had set in motion continued to mourn their dead, and somewhere in the Strait, the Prince of Travellers pursued his lonely destiny. None of these things did I forget, for somewhere in a cavern in the Temenos, the knowledge was ever awaiting me. But there is a limit to how much pain we mortals can bear, even I, and in that moment, my world was bounded by joy, encompassed in Joscelin's beautiful face that I held between my hands, his summer-blue eyes smiling down at me.
    "Did I mention," I whispered to him, "that I love you?"
    "Yes," he whispered back, kissing me. "But it bears repeating."
    Hand in hand, we threaded our way through the revelers to find Ysandre de la Courcel, seated once more at the long table next to Drustan, while one of her courtiers related an amusing tale. She glanced up at our approach, and the courtier broke off his story, mindful of the preeminence the Companion's Star granted me.
    "Yes?" Ysandre asked mildly.
    "Your maj-" I broke off the words and cleared my throat. "Ysandre. Before Blessed Elua and all here assembled, I wish to present Joscelin Verreuil as my consort."
    Drustan mab Necthana laughed, and the Queen of Terre d'Ange raised her eyebrows.
    "It's about time."

Phèdre's household
    Anafiel Delaunay de Montrève-mentor of Phèdre (deceased) Alcuin no Delaunay-student of Delaunay (deceased)
    Phèdre nó Delaunay de Montrève-Comtesse de Montrève; anguissette Benoit, Gemma-household staff
    Fortun, Remy, Ti-Philippe-chevaliers, a.k.a. Phèdre's Boys Eugenie-kitchen-mistress
    Joscelin Verreuil-Cassiline Brother (Siovale)
    Purnell Friote-seneschal of Montrève
    Richeline Friote-wife of Purnell

    Ysandre de la Courcel-Queen of Terre d'Ange; wed to Drustan mab Necthana Ganelon de la Courcel-former King of Terre d'Ange; grandfather of Ysandre (deceased) Isabel L'Envers de la Courcel-mother of Ysandre (deceased) Rolande de la Courcel-father of Ysandre (deceased)
    Barquiel L'Envers-brother of Isabel; Duc L'Envers (Namarre) Baudoin de Trevalion-son of Lyonette and Marc; Prince of the Blood (deceased) Bernadette de Trevalion-daughter of Lyonette and Marc; wife of Ghislain de Somerville Lyonette de Trevalion-great-aunt of Ysandre; a.k.a. Lioness of Azzalle (deceased) Marc de Trevalion-husband of Lyonette; former Duc of Trevalion (Azzalle) Nicola L'Envers y Aragon-cousin of
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