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Jeeves in the Offing

Jeeves in the Offing

Titel: Jeeves in the Offing
Autoren: P.G. Wodehouse
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me at every house I go into and spoons counted before I leave. And do you realize that in a few shakes I’ve got to show up at dinner and have Mrs Cream being very, very kind to me? It hurts the pride of the Woosters, Jeeves.’
‘My advice, sir, would be to fortify yourself for the ordeal.’
‘There are always cocktails, sir. Should I pour you another?’
‘You should.’
‘And we must always remember what the poet Longfellow said, sir.’
‘What was that?’
‘Something attempted, something done, has earned a night’s repose. You have the satisfaction of having sacrificed yourself in the interests of Mr Travers.’
He had found a talking point. He had reminded me of those postal orders, sometimes for as much as ten bob, which Uncle Torn had sent me in the Malvern House days. I softened. Whether or not a tear rose to my eye, I cannot say, but it may be taken as official that I softened.
‘How right you are, Jeeves!’ I said.
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