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In Death 26 - Strangers in Death

In Death 26 - Strangers in Death

Titel: In Death 26 - Strangers in Death
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gave her a bit more.
    “Right after her husband was killed, yes? I remember very well. Terrible thing. She comes in on Mondays, about nine-thirty on Monday mornings, poor Mrs. Custer. But this day, a few days after I hear her husband’s dead, I see her go right by carrying her market bag.”
    “Was she alone?”
    “No. I started to go outside, call out to her, thinking she’d forgotten where she was going. Being upset about her husband. But then I saw she was with someone. She was with a very fancy lady. Beautiful coat with fur on the collar,” Isaacs added, brushing his fingers down the front of his apron to demonstrate. “Long black coat, brown fur trim. Very nice. I think I’ve seen the fancy lady once or twice before, but not that coat.”
    “You saw the woman before that day?”
    “Once or twice. I know my neighborhood, I know my people.”
    “Is this the woman?” Eve offered Ava’s photo.
    “Yes, yes, this is the woman poor Mrs. Custer was with that morning. Such pretty hair she has. I remember, it was a very sunny day, and the sunshine seemed to bounce off her pretty hair. She wore shades. As I said, it was a very bright day, but she’s very striking. I’m sure this is the same woman. They walked right by. Mrs. Custer looked so sad and tired. She came back, by herself, a couple hours later. Maybe more, we were busy. I thought, ‘Poor little thing—Mrs. Custer—she’s been crying.’ I gave her some pop treats for the children.”
    She hit the lot next, a small, overpriced two-decker.
    “This sort of lot won’t have security discs for two months ago,” Roarke reminded her. “And their records won’t include license number, make, or model. It’s just the time in and out, the fee, the slot.”
    “They’d have tag number, make, and model for reserved parking. No way Ava would cruise around looking for a parking spot. Not someone who plans, who researches. She’d book one. Scanner reads reservation number, and to reserve you need to verify tag number.”
    “Well now, you’re right about that.”
    “She’d’ve done the same thing for the Custer stalking and hit. She’d be thinking of her own convenience, and never seriously consider we’d get here. I put her vehicle here, I put it there, it adds weight. You’ve got a new assignment.”
    “I’m going to be talking to auto lot owners. With her vehicle number I could find it quicker myself.”
    “Channels. Pristine chain. We take the long way. I’ll drive. You get started.”
    S he closed herself off for twenty minutes back at Central. She shut her door, closed everyone out while she sat, feet up, eyes closed to walk herself through the steps, the stages, the routes.
    With a glance at the time, she made another call. “Mrs. Horowitz, Lieutenant Dallas. I have a couple of questions.”
    “Of course.”
    “Mrs. Anders attends a lot of functions—balls, parties, and so on. Does she ever attend costume types—masked balls, fancy dress, that sort of thing?”
    “There’s a fancy-dress gala in October every year.”
    “Where does she keep her wigs?”
    “All the costume pieces she has made or purchased are kept in storage on the third floor.”
    “Does she own a red wig?”
    “I believe she owns a few, in different shades and styles. I haven’t been in the storage area for some time.”
    Eve ended transmission, and placed another to APA Reo.
    Then she called in the team.
    In the conference room, Eve paced while Baxter brooded into his coffee and Roarke passed the time on his PPC. Peabody, with no new visible piercings, huddled together with Trueheart. EDD had yet to arrive. Cher Reo entered next, the pretty blonde with the Southern drawl and the raptor claws in court.
    “Hello, gang.” She nodded at Eve. “Let’s hear the pitch.”
    “We’re not all here. Feeney—” Eve narrowed a stare at him as he strolled in with McNab. “You’re late.”
    “You want it fast or you want it right?”
    “I just want it. Status, EDD first.”
    Feeney took out his notebook. “Pill dispenser, vic’s, opened and reprogrammed the morning Ava Anders left for St. Lucia. None of her prints inside or out. Office ’links, Anders Worldwide. No transmissions to or from Suzanne Custer during the last six months. Same for the home and personal ’links we were given access to. Security discs recovered from Custer apartment show no unusual activity. Remote recovered from Custer apartment is extreme. Custom job, specific
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