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In Death 18 - Divided in Death

In Death 18 - Divided in Death

Titel: In Death 18 - Divided in Death
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dumb? Or that smart?”
    She shoveled in the eggs, snagged her coffee as she rose. “Let’s roust the team. I want to check something out.”
    “You may want to put some shoes on first,” Roarke suggested. “You look like you’re about to kick some ass, and there’s no point in bruising your pretty pink toes.”
    “Cute.” But she winced when she looked down at her feet. She’d forgotten about the pink toenails. Hauling open a drawer, she yanked out some socks and hastily covered all evidence of pedicure.
    She grunted as she pulled on her boots.
    “It feels good to know you and I are a team again.”
    She reached out, took his hand. “Let’s go kick some ass together.”

Chapter 22
    As the techs outnumbered the nontechs on her team, Eve took the briefing to the lab.
    She didn’t understand the nature of the work, or the purposes of the tools meticulously arranged on work counters and workstations. She couldn’t decipher the patterns of the color-coded boards, the gibberish scrolling by on screens or the constant hum and clack that was the odd communication in the network of machines.
    But she knew what she was looking at was a great number of man-hours and a large dose of brainpower.
    “You’ll kill the worm.”
    “We will, yes. It’s already failing.” Roarke glanced at the lines of code and commands on one of the screens. “It’s a clever bug that can look more dangerous than it is.”
    “You can say that makes it plenty dangerous.”
    “You could,” he agreed. “Its limitations don’t negate the fact that it can and would play hell with most home units. We’re tracking it back to Sparrow, and its origin.”
    “Tokimoto’s largely responsible for that,” Reva put in.
    “I’m hardly working alone. And,” Tokimoto added, “wouldn’t have researched or explored that possibility of origin without the data supplied to me.”
    “Which is what Sparrow counted on. He creates the worm, then assigns Bissel to play double agent. Our side believes Doomsday has the worm, they believe our side has it. Both sides, due to his planted intel, believe the worm is more powerful than it actually is, and shell out a lot of money. Bissel funnels the money, or most of it, back to Sparrow through Kade.”
    “A good con,” Roarke commented. “And might’ve been a tidy one in the short haul. He’d have been wiser to keep it on a smaller scale, induce a couple of corporations to haggle over it rather than involving the HSO and the like.”
    “Ambitious guy. And greedy,” Eve added. “He supplies the data on the progress Securecomp’s making on the worm, and in that way can cover himself any time the direction the R and D’s taking gets too close. Good setup for him.”
    “But his thinking was narrow.” Roarke watched the codes whiz by, noted the progress. “He believed he could control it all, without getting his own hands bloody, and keep Bissel on a leash until he was of no more use.”
    “Coward.” Eve remembered how he’d wept and wailed in the hospital. “Bissel’s getting blackmailed and wants more. Kade wants more. And Securecomp’s getting close to ending his nice, profitable enterprise.”
    “He gives Bissel a new assignment that solves all those problems.” Peabody shook her head. “It’s way over the top, and Bissel’s too dim to see the frame going up. Sorry,” she said to Reva.
    “No problem.”
    “Not just too dim,” Eve added. “Too egocentric. He’s living his fantasy. He’s got his license to kill.”
    “Sir!” Peabody beamed. “You’ve been boning up on Bond.”
    “I do my homework. But now he’s in hip-deep. He can’t go to the HSO. He can’t go to the other side. He waited too long to run, so his accounts have been located and frozen. He killed to stay dead, but that cover’s been blown. He took a hit at Sparrow, but he missed. Instead of being dead, Sparrow’s in custody, and he’ll use whatever juice he can to cut a deal and bury Bissel. He’s lost his fantasy job, and all the glory and polish he garnered from his art.”
    “If you can call that crap art.” Reva grinned when everyone looked at her. “Hey, Blair isn’t the only one who can fake it. I never liked his stuff.” She rolled her shoulders as if shedding weight. “Feels good to be able to say that. It’s starting to feel good all around.”
    “Don’t get too happy yet,” Eve warned. “He needs to make a statement, but first he needs to lick his wounds,
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