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Immortals After Dark 09 - Pleasure of a Dark Prince

Immortals After Dark 09 - Pleasure of a Dark Prince

Titel: Immortals After Dark 09 - Pleasure of a Dark Prince
Autoren: Kresley Cole
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couldn’t kill him, but she could slow him with a shot between the eyes.
    “I believe I’ve earned the right to stay—as well as a kiss from you.”
    She made a sound of frustration. “As if you’d be happy with a kiss? You expect to have sex with me and it simply will not happen—”
    “But you want it to, do you no’?”
    To have him take her here, hot and sweaty in the swamp? She swallowed. He was a Lykae—he’d want her on her hands and knees… Her heart sped up at the thought, but she shook her head stubbornly. “Of course not! Understand me, MacRieve, I’m a Valkyrie. I’m not bound by your… animalistic needs.”
    His voice a low rasp, he said, “After one night with me, Lousha,
you will be


    Adrenaline and need coursed through Garreth, muting the pain of his wounds, until all he could feel was the growing pressure in his shaft and an overwhelming lust for the creature before him.
    A Valkyrie.
Again, he marveled that Fate had given him a shield maiden for his mate. Now he didn’t know whether to laugh or howl. He’d likely have been damned happy about the fact if she’d stop resisting the fierce attraction between them.
    Just earlier he’d wished for a more challenging female. Now he wondered
she was fighting this. She was aroused; the scent of his mate’s desire was mouthwatering, making him want to go to his knees in thanks—and to taste her. Her nipples were so hard they had to be throbbing.
    So why wouldn’t she surrender to him? Aye, he regretted his wish. He dimly wondered whether she would fall into bed with him if he told her he was a king.
    Then he frowned as a thought surfaced. “Does another male… have a claim on you?” He might be needing to make a kill this very night.
    “A male’s claim? On me? No one!”
    Her heart had not been given.
So it’s mine to win.
He found his lips curling.
    “Nor will they ever,” she vowed.
    “Uh-huh. That so?”
    His amused tone must have flustered her. “A-again, not interested. You couldn’t find a more uninterested female.”
    “You forget I’m a Lykae. I can scent your
.” Gods, her scent was like a drug to him, her arousal so sweet.
    Her face flushed, a light pink along high cheekbones. “Maybe I was
in one of the other males on the field.”
    Jealousy seared him inside. Never had he felt its equal. He was upon her before she could raise her bow again, his callused palm wrapping around her delicate nape. “Take it back, female.” He’d been able to rein in his aggression from the game. With more difficulty, he controlled the adrenaline pumping through his veins after finding her at last. But this jealousy was overwhelming.
    “Or what?”
    “Or I’ll kiss you till you canna remember another.” He would seduce her, using everything he’d ever learned about women to coax his way inside her. “Kiss you deeply, thoroughly. Till you’re panting for more.”
    Lightning struck nearby, though she seemed not to notice. He could tell she wanted him to kiss her, was unconsciously rocking her hips to him, driving him wild. Why couldn’t she let go?
    She stared at his lips as if she were trying to imagineit just then. But then she muttered, almost scornfully, “You win the timing award, Lykae. That’s for certain.”
    “Doona understand you, Valkyrie,” MacRieve rasped. “When is it ever bad timing for a kiss?”
    What would his be like? As if she had anything to compare with it.
Playing a dangerous game here, Lucia.
    He leaned in to nuzzle her hair, his breath hot against the pointed tip of her ear.
    Not the ears!
She was so sensitive there, and he grazed his lips right over the tip.
That feels so good….
    “Ah, my lass likes that?” he asked, nuzzling again. When she sagged into him, he took the opportunity to back her into an old oak.
    He rested his hands against the tree on each side of her head, reminding her of his incredible strength. The Lykae were the most physically powerful beings in the Lore, could lift trains. He could have broken her like a doll, yet he’d been so gentle with her, even after the brutal contest earlier.
    Even after I
    He eased even closer, until their bodies were touching. When his gaze dipped to where her breasts met his battered chest, she felt his penis pulse harder in a rush, and a last ounce of sanity told her,
Stop this!
    She needed to get away from this werewolf, but she couldn’t outrun him all the way back to Val Hall. Besides,
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