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Hortons Bend

Hortons Bend

Titel: Hortons Bend
Autoren: Dave Davis
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some recent meetings to better understand while he spoke. “I spoke to Anderson Bloodworth recently at a soiree and he mentioned that your archaeologist has been nosing around Horton’s Bend. Now Andy has always had an interest in all things historical and to be honest I don’t think he had a clue about my position on that area.” Barbara Peabody now understood why the man had come by for a visit and also understood his level of alarm regarding this particular part of the river. She nodded in agreement and wanted to be clear in her position. “Herschel I fully understand your concern. I’m sorry that I did not realize that the committee had made that much progress and were moving forward.” She was putting it all together fast and it dawned on her that she had been in a museum conference in Pittsburg when the river projects’ committee discussion had taken place. Banner smiled before speaking. Barbara had her place in the county and social circles but he really didn’t believe that she should attend every meeting that was called. He and fellow commissioners often met together at the country club when decisions of great financial importance were needed but were not necessarily what they felt that the local newspaper should report. These closed door sessions were for the “boy’s only club”. “Barbara I never would tell you how to run your museum but I think you realize the importance of this project to the county. If your archaeologist were to shall we say “unearth” something in Horton’s Bend then we might find ourselves bogged down for years in environmental impact statements.” Ms. Peabody’s head nodded in perfect metronome timing. “Herschel you have my fullest support and I will address this matter immediately. Have you made further progress with the Horton family?” Banner did not wish to divulge any details of future plans in regards to dealing with the Horton’s. He smiled his best photogenic toothy smile and waved his hand as though it was much ado about nothing. “Barbara I really don’t think that is something that you want to be involved in my dear. As you know the Horton family has been adamant about their land rights and this situation may not be the type of well….situation that you want to be part of.” Banner rose to leave and shook her hand. “Thank you for seeing me and thank you for handling this matter. Will I see you at the Padgett’s dinner party on Wednesday night?” Barbara smiled and assured him that he would. The commissioner saw himself out and Ms. Peabody knew she would have to speak to Brody as soon as possible. She knew better than to arouse suspicion in the man but she needed to find a way to direct him elsewhere. This would take some thought.

    Ms. Peabody asked her assistant to hold all calls until further notice. She thought back to some three years ago when a discussion on how to improve water rights and manifest resources that might benefit the county had been initiated. The discussion turned into a small committee that would research a section of the Oostanaula River that could with the right direction be an economical boon for their area. Funding for a water treatment plant or a hydro-electrical was considered. A geologist from Atlanta had been employed to study all possibilities which became a matter of strong debate until Commissioner Banner stepped in to appoint a faculty member from the nearby college to steer the often bickering group. Banner reminded everyone to keep their eye on the ball and not to lose sight of mineral rights which could be beneficial to all involved. Obtaining the necessary properties would prove difficult as many of the landowners in that part of the county were strong supporters of agriculture and quite vocal about it. Besides these points, these community members held sway over votes that could put some of the project’s members in political jeopardy.

    Horton’s Bend had been one of five areas suggested by the geologist. One of the committee members had a friend in college who currently ran an environmental firm which was also from Atlanta. No sense in alerting local firms on what was merely an experimental focus group. For a small fee that was well hid within the county’s budget another impact statement was drawn up on the potential pros and cons of the five areas. While four of the five areas held great promise for producing generous resources, each and every one were attached to land owners who proved to be
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