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Titel: Hooked
Autoren: Betina Krahn
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    * * *
    Finn stared at Stephanie for a long moment, seeing in her face an earnest desire to help. He so wanted to pull her into his arms and kiss her within an inch of her life, but he took the phone back and put it to his ear.
    “You’re with Stephanie Steele?” Katie said with compressed excitement, nearly vibrating the phone from his hand. He could hear Chelsea in the background demanding to know what was going on.
    “Yeah, I am.”
    “So you’re, like, dating her again?”
    “I’m not entirely sure, but that could be the case,” he responded, watching Stephanie make Mickey sit calmly beside her. He prayed that was indeed the case.
    “Will she really send me a dress for prom?”
    “Count on it,” he said. “When she gives her word, it’s good as gold.”
    He could hear Katie cupping her hand around the phone to ward off her sister’s questions.
    “Don’t screw it up this time, Dad,” she breathed, her voice surprisingly solemn. “She’s really cool, and you could use some time with someone…cool.”
    For the first time in weeks the part of his heart that his daughters inhabited didn’t feel as if it were full of lead sinkers. He was grateful for the shadows that hid the emotion he knew was brimming in his eyes.
    “Yeah, well, I’m doing my best here. Gotta go. See you in a week.”
    When he tucked the phone away, he looked at Steph with a smile.
    “You didn’t have to do that.”
    “Yes, I did. If I have the ways and the means to help level a bump in your road, why wouldn’t I?” She busied herself petting Mickey, who was being awfully good for some reason. “I know you’re worried about her, Finn, but from what I just heard, it’s probably normal growing pains. They say there’s a reason God made kids turn into teenagers. If they didn’t get rebellious and obnoxious, their parents would never be able to let them go.”
    It hurt a little when he smiled. He didn’t mind.
    “Thank you.”
    “You’re more than welcome.”
    Her soft words tucked themselves into a vulnerable, empty part of his heart. God, how he loved this woman. There was no doubt in his mind. For four years he had tried to convince himself that things had worked out for the best; that they didn’t belong together. He had been kidding himself. The kind of love he had for her came along once in a lifetime. And he was going to seal the deal tonight if it killed him.
    On the way back to her house her hand was warm in his and their occasional silences were light and companionable. When they reached the kitchen, she asked if he was hungry, or if he’d like some coffee and biscotti. He countered with another proposal: popcorn and a movie.
    She turned the idea over, then got out her popcorn maker and told him to find a movie on the big flat screen hanging above the fireplace. He felt a stir of hope as the smell of popcorn wafted into the great room and he located some premium channels and called out the names of movies showing, asking for her input. They agreed on an action movie with Bruce Willis that had Die Hard in the title. Not the most romantic thing in the world, but then, the romance Finn was looking for wouldn’t be happening on any screen.
    Before long they were settled side by side on the cushiony leather sofa, feet propped on the coffee table, sharing an enormous bowl of popcorn. The movie was good, but not half as interesting or unpredictable as the sexual tension building between them. When he moved closer, so that his shoulders settled against hers, she didn’t seem to mind. When he slipped his arm around her and pulled her close, she didn’t resist. The movie action slowed for a time, and he turned her face toward him and pressed a soft kiss on her lips.
    She responded slowly at first, then allowed herself to meet his kiss fully. Both his arms closed around her and a moment later one hand slid up her side, memorizing every sweet curve and hollow.
    She stiffened with a soft gasp, then pushed back and scrambled to the edge of the sofa. Trembling visibly, she picked up the popcorn bowl and strode to the kitchen. He sat for a minute, his breath coming fast, his anger rising before he could master it. What the hell was the matter with her? Why would she let him get just so close and no closer?
    It was now or never.
    He shoved himself to his feet and stalked into the kitchen, where she was disposing of the uneaten popcorn in the garbage disposal.
    “What’s the matter, Steph?” His tongue
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