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Ghostfinders 03 -Ghost of a Dream

Ghostfinders 03 -Ghost of a Dream

Titel: Ghostfinders 03 -Ghost of a Dream
Autoren: Simon R. Green
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He’d been so sure it was her, come back to him at last, to save him as he’d saved her, down in the Underground. He’d believed in her because he needed it to be her. But it wasn’t her, never had been her, not his Kim. He stared at the place where she’d been, then slowly turned his head to look at the Faust. And a wiser man would have been very careful about what he said next.
    “Another of my little tricks,” the Faust said easily. “I sent her to you, to keep an eye on you. To take you where I wanted you to go, to lead you around by the nose and mess with your head, for the fun of it. Some say the greatest trick God ever pulled was to make us believe love is real. It does make people like you so much easier to manipulate.”
    “You bastard,” said JC. “You bastard.”
    Melody looked uneasily at JC, then raised her voice to attract the Faust’s attention. “So that was you at the railway station as well?”
    The Faust looked at her. “What? What railway station? Can we stick to the point, please?”
    “You see?” Melody said to JC. “He doesn’t know anything about a railway station. So what we saw there…”
    “Yes,” said JC, straightening up and squaring his shoulders again. “I see.” He looked steadily at the Faust. “I saw Kim at that railway station. So she…was nothing to do with you. Which means, if nothing else, that you’re not nearly as knowledgeable as you claim to be.”
    The Faust shrugged briskly. “It doesn’t make anydifference. You are alone and powerless before me. Exactly the way I like it.”
    “Actually, no,” said JC. “I have more than enough spirit to throw at you.” He turned his back on the Faust and beamed at the others. “Getting to the heart of this haunting has been like peeling an onion. Every time you peel off a layer, you find there’s another underneath. Nearly everything we’ve seen and encountered here has been part of one big extravagant show. But the time for distractions is over. Unless you want to see your beloved theatre destroyed…Step forward and take a bow, Alistair Gravel!”
    There was a pause, then the sound of loud, heavy footsteps emerged from the wings and advanced a short distance across the stage, with no-one making them. They were followed by a crawling dead man, bloody and ruined, dragging himself across the stage by his broken fingers. A young Benjamin and a young Elizabeth emerged from the wings after him, strolling happily forward, arm in arm. Followed by a smiling Lissa and a quietly grinning Old Tom, the caretaker. They all stood together in a group, ignoring the dumbfounded Faust and nodding easily to Benjamin and Elizabeth and the Ghost Finders. The crawling dead man rose abruptly to his feet, popped his dangling eye back into his socket, and stood calmly with the others. And then they all stepped forward as one and took a deep bow. The performance was at an end. They straightened up, grinned briefly, and disappeared, all of them at once, like blown-out candles. And from out of the wings strode one young man in histwenties, with a very familiar face. He grinned easily about him and took a quick bow of his own.
    Alistair Gravel.
    “It was
, all along?” said Happy. “He was…all of them?”
    “It was him,” said JC. “It was always him.”
    “Even Lissa?” said Melody.
    “Yes,” said JC. “I have something to discuss with Alistair Gravel, about that.”
    “Why?” Happy said immediately. “What happened?”
    “Nothing happened,” said JC, firmly.
    Benjamin and Elizabeth stared at Alistair. They didn’t seem scared, or even upset. Slowly, they smiled and relaxed, pleased to see an old friend again, after too long apart. Elizabeth sniffed back tears and wrung her hands together, while Benjamin put a supporting arm across her shoulders. He looked…as though a great weight had finally been lifted off him.
    “Oh please,” said Elizabeth. “Please let it be him. Let it really be him.”
    “It is,” said Benjamin. “I can tell. Can’t you tell?”
    “Yes,” said Elizabeth. “Oh yes…”
    “It’s me,” said Alistair Gravel. “And I am so very happy to see you both again, Benjamin and Elizabeth.”
    The two actors hurried toward him, and Alistair strode forward to meet them. They came together in the middle of the stage and threw their arms around each other and hugged each other tightly. Three old friends who hadn’t seen each other in twenty years, separated by far more than years and
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