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Genuine Lies

Genuine Lies

Titel: Genuine Lies
Autoren: Nora Roberts
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about the alarm?” Paul asked.
    “Couldn’t say. But stands to reason he’d taken care of it or he wouldn’t have chanced going over. Seeing as the way was clear, I hopped over after him. Figured Kincade might pay big for some inside information. I couldn’t get too close, seeing as it’s pretty open there. He was heading for the house, the big house, then he pulled up short, tried to hide himself behind a palm tree, like he was watching somebody. Then he changed direction, went toward the little house. I couldn’t get too close myself cause he was diddling around, looking for a place where he could get close to a window. Then he jerks back, starts running like demons are after him. I had to dodge into some bushes. I figured I’d take a look in myself, but before I could get close enough, you drove up.” He nodded at Julia. “I saw you get out of the car, walk into the garden. I figured I’d better get out before somebody turned the security back on.”
    “You saw me.” Julia shoved Paul aside to get to Haffnerherself. “You saw me. You knew I was telling the truth, and you didn’t say a word.”
    “Hey, I’m here now. And you come up with the other half, I’ll sing to the D.A. in three-part harmony. Besides, I can only tell them like I saw it. For all I know, you doubled back out of the garden and whacked the lady.”
    She slapped him, hard enough to have him lose his footing and ram against the rock. “You know I didn’t kill her. You know Drake saw whoever did. And you waited until I was desperate enough to sell my soul.”
    Haffner swiped a hand over his mouth as he got to his feet. “Keep it up and I’ll tell the D. A. you tried to bribe me to alibi you. You’re nothing to me, lady. So be nice, or I might decide against doing my civic duty.”
    “Civic duty, my ass,” Paul said. “Did you get enough, Frank?”
    “Oh, more than.” Frank stepped into the clearing, smile beaming.
    “Son of a bitch.” Haffner took one step forward before Paul caught him with a right to the jaw. “I couldn’t have said it better.”
    “Rusty? Rusty Slimeball Haffner?” Frank said pleasantly as he hauled Haffner to his feet. “I remember you. Do you remember me? I’m Lieutenant Francis Needlemeyer, and you’re under arrest for extortion, withholding evidence, and being a general pain in the ass. I’ll read you your rights in just a minute.” After clamping on the cuffs, Frank took out a walkie-talkie. “I’ve got a load of shit for you to pick up.”
    “On the way, Lieutenant. By the way, the reception was loud and clear.”

“The D.A. wants Morrison quick, fast, and in a hurry.” Frank was whistling as they stepped from the driveway to the walk leading to Drake’s house. “You get ahold of your lawyer?”
    “Yes.” Julia wiped her damp hands on her slacks. “He’s probably harassing your captain by now. Lincoln said you wouldn’t let Paul and me go with you to pick up Drake.”
    “I can’t help it if you just showed up.” He winked at Paul. “The thing is, I figure Morrison will break down quicker faced with you.”
    “I’d prefer to break him down myself,” Paul muttered. “Piece by piece.”
    “You do that. But wait until after we get his statement. Christ, how does he stand the music up that loud?” Frank pushed the bell, then hammered his fist on the door.
    “The bastard saw who killed her.” Paul’s fingers tightened on Julia’s until she winced. “Eve gave him everything that was decent in his life, and he didn’t give a damn. He used her dead just like like he used her alive. For money.”
    “He might have had a better shot of getting a hefty shareof the estate if Julia were convicted.” Still whistling under his breath, Frank hammered again. “Now he’s going to face an obstruction-of-justice charge. The bastard’s in there. The car’s here. The lights and music are on. Morrison!” he bellowed. “This is the police. Open the door.” He slanted a glance at Paul.
    Understanding, Paul put a hand on her back. “Julia, go wait in the car.”
    She understood as well and shook off his nudging hand. “Like hell.”
    Frank merely sighed. “Stand back.” He kicked the door three times before the hinges gave. “Losing my touch,” he said to himself, then drew his gun. “Keep her out here until I say different.”
    The moment Frank was inside, Julia batted Paul’s restraining arms away. “Do you think I’m going to stand out here and wait? He knows
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