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For Nevermore Season 1

For Nevermore Season 1

Titel: For Nevermore Season 1
Autoren: Sean Platt
Vom Netzwerk:
but she couldn’t recall the name of the piece.
    The elevator dinged and she arrived at the penthouse floor where a thin man in a dark charcoal suit, Mr. Harris, sat behind a desk in a small lobby. He looked up over his wire-framed glasses, and his eyes lit in recognition.
    “She’s expecting me,” Tori said.
    “Ah, go right in, ma’am.”
    Mr. Harris hit a button beneath his desk and buzzed the door behind him open.
    Tori stepped through the unlocked door and into the spacious office with its all white walls, oversized plush furniture, and giant window that sprawled along the entire south wall, looking down on the city below.
    “Hello, mother,” Tori said.
    The Queen turned from the window and looked down at Tori, “Hello, my dear,” she said. “You have good news to report?”
    “Oh, yes,” Tori said, smiling. “It’s all going as planned.”


    * * * *

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    ForNevermore was a huge leap of faith for us as writers.

    We were coming off a popular adult horror series and seeing if we could make serialization work for us with Young Adult paranormal fiction, a genre we’ve not written in before.

    At times, I (David) wasn’t sure if we made a mistake, or if anyone would even like the story. Fortunately, we stuck with it and have created something special that people are connecting with.

    Recently, we reached out to one of our most supportive (and critical) reviewers, to discuss the ups-and-downs of writing this first season of ForNevermore .

    Amazon reviewer Ray Nicholson http://www.amazon.com/gp/pdp/profile/AUX9KZUUB3YCE found us when we were writing Yesterday’s Gone . He got our attention with his thoughtful, professional-quality reviews. He also seemed to have similar tastes in fiction and television as us (horror, fantasy, post-apocalyptic, and loves The Walking Dead ).

    We asked him if he’d like to interview us for our end-of-season bonus section.

    He was kind enough to take the time to ask us some questions.

    Here’s the interview:

    Ray: How did you guys decide on doing the ForNevermore series?

    David: I’ve had variations of this story in my head since I was a teenager. After the success of our post-apocalyptic adult serial Yesterday’s Gone , we wanted to write something more accessible to all ages. Something which speaks to the loneliness and isolation of being an outcast and not really knowing where you belong.

    Sean: Yesterday’s Gone was a sprawling epic, with a ton of characters and story arcs. I liked the idea of doing something under a slightly tighter lens. ForNevermore could sprawl with its ideas and settings, but fewer characters would give us a chance to tighten the focus and help us on some of the production parts, allowing us a breath before we got into the sprawl of Yesterday’s Gone again, and our new series, WhiteSpace .

    Ray: What were the circumstances that made you decide to lean heavily towards the Young Adult (YA) instead of the Adult audience?

    David: The story always seemed like a natural for the genre. We love the serialized format and though it’s been done by others, we like to think we’re doing it a bit differently, and we don’t want to limit ourselves to just one genre. We want to tell different stories to different people.

    Sean: I really love writing for children. And while we won’t (or aren’t likely to) have any pure juvenile titles at the Inkwell, I will have several in production at my other publishing company. I actually started out by writing for children, both full-length adventures and short rhyming titles in the spirit of Silverstein and Seuss. ForNevermore is the first thing I’ve written with Dave that I can share with my daughter. That makes me happy.

    Ray: What was your biggest headache with ForNevermore?

    David: Definitely marketing it. We had a lot of success with Yesterday’s Gone . People were paying attention to us. The smarter thing probably would’ve been to have written another book closer to the Yesterday’s Gone genre to capitalize on that momentum. Instead, we told people, “Hey, this is a young adult title! But we swear, it’s
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