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Drake Sisters 02 - The Twilight Before Christmas

Drake Sisters 02 - The Twilight Before Christmas

Titel: Drake Sisters 02 - The Twilight Before Christmas
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and also might have been kil ed.”
    Matt felt the words as a blow somewhere in the vicinity of his gut. His heart did a curious somersaulting dive in his chest. “I heard about Sarah, but I hadn’t heard the others were there. What happened?”
    “To make a long story short, Wilder had people trail him here. They wanted information only he could give them. He helped design our national defense system, and the government wanted him protected at al costs. With Sarah being from Sea Haven, it was natural enough for the Feds to send her in to guard him. These people had gotten their hands on him once before, kil ed his assistant right in front of him, and tortured him. That’s why he uses a cane when he walks. They broke into the Drakes’ house, armed to the teeth when he was there, and were ready to kil Wilder and the Drakes to get what they wanted.” The anger in Jonas’s voice deepened.
    “No one said a word about Kate being in the house at the same time. I knew Sarah was guarding Damon Wilder and that he was a defense expert in some kind of trouble, but…” Matt trailed off as he looked back toward the house on the cliff. It was covered with Christmas lights. Beside it was a tal ful Douglas fir tree, completely decorated and flashing lights even before the sun went down. When he looked toward the house he felt a sense of peace. Of rightness. The Drake sisters were the town’s treasures. He looked away from the cliff toward the old mil . It was farther up the road, built over Sea Lion Cove. A strange cloud formation hung over the smal inlet and spread slowly toward land. The shape captured his imagination, a yawning black mouth, jaws opening wide, heading straight for them.
    “Al of them were nearly murdered,” Jonas said. His eyes went flat and cold. “The Drakes take on far too much, and everyone just expects them to do it without thinking of the cost to them.”
    “I never thought of it like that, Jonas. Now that you mention it, I’ve seen them al drained of energy after helping out the way they do.” Matt didn’t take his eyes from the sky. He watched a seagul veer frantical y from the path of the slow-moving cloud, braking sharply in midair, wings flapping strongly in agitation. Wisps of fog began to rise from the sea and drift toward shore. “Maybe we al should pay more attention to what’s happening with them,” he murmured softly, more to himself than to the others.

    The snowglob e they hold has a secret inside
    Where the mists roll in place of the snow that’s outside
    INHALING THE MINGLED SCENTS OF CINNAMON and pine, Kate wandered into the kitchen of the cliff house. The sound of Christmas music fil ed the air and blended with the aroma of fresh-baked cookies and the fragrance of richly scented candles. “Is that Joley’s voice?” Kate asked, leaning her hip comfortably against the heavily carved wood cabinet. “When did she make a Christmas col ection?”
    Hannah Drake spun around, teakettle in her hands. Her abundance of blond hair shimmered for a moment in the last rays of sunshine pouring through the bay window. “Kate, I didn’t hear you get out of the shower. I think I was in my own little world. Joley sent the CD as a surprise, although she made a point of saying it was not to go out of the family.”
    They both laughed affectionately. “Joley and that band of hers. She can sing just about anything from gospel to blues, from rock to rap, but she’s so careful not to let anyone know. I think she likes her bad girl image. Did she mention whether she’s coming home for Christmas? I know she was touring.”
    Hannah’s face lit up, her smile bril iant. “She’s going to try. I can’t wait to see her. We keep missing each other in our travels.”
    “I hope she gets here soon. Talking on the phone just isn’t the same as al of us being together.” Kate swept a stray tendril of hair behind her ear.
    “What about Mom and Dad? Has anyone heard from them? Are they coming here for Christmas?”
    Hannah shook her head. “Last I heard they sent kisses and hugs and were snuggling together in their little chalet in the Swiss Alps. Libby got in a quick visit with them before she headed out to the Congo. She said she was coming home for Christmas. Mom and Dad promised next year they’d be here with us.”
    Kate laughed softly as she leaned over to sniff the canister of loose tea. “Mom and Dad are stil such love-birds. What are you making?”
    “I was in the mood
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