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Drake Sisters 01 - Magic in the Wind

Drake Sisters 01 - Magic in the Wind

Titel: Drake Sisters 01 - Magic in the Wind
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much larger body. "Someone should have turned you over their knee a long time ago." The words were too low for anyone else to hear and he was sweeping past her to enter the room. Just for a moment his glittering eyes slashed at her, burned her.
    Every woman in the room reacted, eyes glaring at Jonas.
    Hannah held up her hand in silent admission she'd provoked him. She allowed the rest of the officers into the room before she took the dogs into the bedroom. Damon noticed she didn't return.
    All the women were exhausted. Damon wanted everyone else gone. It seemed more important to push more tea into the Drake sisters' hands, to tuck blankets around them, to shield them from prying eyes when they were obviously so vulnerable. He stayed close to Sarah while she was questioned re-peatedly. The medical examiner removed the body and the crime scene team went over the room.
    Each of the sisters gave a separate report so it seemed an eternity until Damon had the house back in his control.
    "Thanks, Abbey, I don't know how you managed to get that name, but hopefully they'll be able to stop anyone else from coming after me."
    Abbey closed her eyes and laid her head against the back-rest of the chair. "It was my pleasure. Will you answer the phone? Tell Elle we're too tired to talk but have her tell the others we're all right."
    "The phone isn't ringing." But he was already walking into the kitchen to answer it. Of course it wasn't ringing. Yet. But it would. And it did. And he reassured Elle he wouldn't leave her sisters and all was well in their world.
    It seemed hours before he was alone with Sarah. His Sarah.
    Before he could frame her face in his hands and lower his head to kiss her with every bit of tenderness he had in him.
    "There was something I saw, a shadow, dark and grim. I felt it had been on me, with me, and now it's gone. That sounds ridiculous, Sarah, but I feel lighter, as if a great burden is off of me. You know what I'm talking about, don't you?"
    "Yes." She said it simply.
    His gaze moved possessively over her face. "You look so tired. I'd carry you to bed, but we wouldn't make it if I tried."
    She managed a small smile. "It would be okay if you dropped me on the floor. I'd just go to sleep."
    He helped her through the hall to the stairs. "Hannah has the turret leading to the battlement, doesn't she?"
    Sarah was pleased that he knew. "The sea draws her. The wind and rain. It helps her to be there, up high, where she can see it all. I'm glad you understand."
    He went up the stairs behind her, ready to break her fall should there be need. Ready to do whatever it took to protect her. "It surprises me that I feel the power in this house, but I do. I'm a scientist. None of this makes sense, what you and your sisters are. Hell, I don't even know how I'd describe you, but I know it's real."
    "Stay with me tonight, Damon," Sarah said. "I feel very weary, like I'm stretched thin. When you're with me, I'm not so lost."
    "You'd have to throw me out, Sarah," he replied truthfully.
    "I know I love you and I want you for my wife. I don't ever want us to be apart."
    "I feel the same, Damon." Sarah pushed open the door to her bedroom and collapsed on the large four-poster bed. She looked beautiful to him, lying there, waiting for him to stretch out beside her.
    Her window faced the sea. Damon could see the water, a deep blue, waves swelling high, collapsing, rushing the shores and receding as it had for so many years. Peace was in his heart and mind. Soft laughter came from various parts of the house. It swept through the air, and tilled the house with joy.
    Sarah was back. Sarah was home. And Damon had come home with her.
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