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Death on a Deadline

Death on a Deadline

Titel: Death on a Deadline
Autoren: Christine Lynxwiler
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Amelia, but she was obviously so much in love with Byron I was afraid it would destroy her. I kept waiting to hear rumors about him being unfaithful to her, but in all these years I haven’t heard a thing.” She closed her eyes. “That should have told me something.”
    “You couldn’t have known.”
    She opened her eyes and looked at me as if she’d forgotten I was there. “It was all lies. Did you know that? Every bit of it. They let me go see Lois the other day and she couldn’t wait to confirm that she’d made the whole thing up. She also bragged that every time it looked like Amelia and I might make up, she’d invent something that she’d heard Amelia said about me.”
    “Oh, Marge, I’m so sorry.” I couldn’t imagine losing all those years with Carly. “But you’ve got each other now.”
    Marge smiled, a little of the haunted look gone from her eyes. “Yes, we do. And we intend to make the most of that.” Amelia was picking her up for lunch in a few minutes, so I hugged her and left, with a promise to visit often.
    Marge and Amelia weren’t the only ones who were making up for lost time. I had to get ready for a date of my own.
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