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Dead Secret

Dead Secret

Titel: Dead Secret
Autoren: Beverly Connor
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the room?” he said.
    “There are private matters in the filing cabinets and other places that are none of your business,” said Robert. “We have suffered a tragedy, and you barge in here like you own the place.”
    “An attempted murder, which may become a murder, was committed in this room,” said Garnett. “We are just doing our job as is required under the law. I read something about that in your law-and-order political platform. I would have thought we would have your support.”
    “This is not some crack house,” Steven said.
    “The law does not specify that we are to investigate only those felony crimes that occur in crack houses,” said Garnett. “However, we obey the orders of the court. We have done what the law demands of us, and will be on our way.”
    David closed up the forensic case and they all walked out of the house.

    “I can’t believe those people,” said Diane on the way back to the crime lab. She sat in the front seat of the van. David drove, and Neva and Jin were in the back. “I can’t believe the judge.”
    “A billion dollars buys a lot,” said David.
    “Except brains,” said Neva, who broke up in a fit of laughter. Jin and David joined her.
    “What?” asked Diane.
    “We found one of those fancy fantasy knives sticking up in a stone on the desk where Taggart was shot,” said Neva. “Guess what?”
    “It has the tip missing?” said Diane.
    David nodded. “That’s probably why it broke—wasn’t made out of good steel—unlike the knife of our mystery stranger who stabbed you and Mike. His knife was top-of-the-line.”
    “Thanks for reminding me.” Diane rubbed her arm.
    “So, even with that restricted search, you found the knife?”
    “Yeah, you’d think they would talk to each other,” said David. “You know, coordinate their criminal activities.”
    “I bet somebody moved it and they didn’t know,” said Jin. “But that’s not all we got.”
    “Wait a minute,” said Diane. “You didn’t come out with anything but the camera and blood samples. And Jin, how do you know what they found?”
    “David’s paranoia,” said Jin. “You know, I’m going to have to get some of that myself. It’s sure working for you and David.”
    “Neva overheard the lawyer talking on the phone,” said David. “I had a feeling they might try to pull something, so I called Jin on the cell and handed him the evidence out the window. However”—he held up his hand—“everything we found”—he started laughing again—“everything we found was right inside the limits of the new warrant.”
    “I thought you were fairly unruffled when you showed him your case,” said Diane.
    “Just part of the show.”
    “What else did you find?” said Diane.
    “Neva found it under the desk. The old man must have had it in his hand. It was the letter that Flora Martin wrote to her grandson Donnie. We’re hoping for Donnie’s fingerprints.”
    Diane was speechless the rest of the way to the lab.

    “You are sure this was around the desk—all of it?” said Garnett. He sat across from Diane at the table in the crime lab looking at the report they had written up. “I mean, this guy’s running for senator.”
    Diane showed him a photograph. “David took this from the doorway before we even entered the room. It shows Robert Lamont standing by the window with his head in his hands. It shows the desk with the fantasy knife in the stone. Look at this blowup of the area beneath the desk. You can just see the corner of an envelope. The envelope contained Flora Martin’s letter and it had Emmett Taggart’s blood spatter on it. All this is in line with the very—and may I say criminally—restrictive search warrant.”
    “Yes, but sneaking the evidence outside . . .”
    “That’s not against the law. Just my crew saving themselves from going back and forth through the house.”
    “The prints?”
    “David saw Robert Lamont touch the desk and lifted his prints from there. Steven Taggart was in the military, and they had his prints on file,” said Diane.
    “I’ll go pick them up and let Mr. Steven Taggart explain what his prints are doing on a letter written by a murder victim. Mr. Robert Lamont can explain what he was doing with a knife whose point was embedded in that same murder victim, and what his prints are doing inside the—what did you call it?”
    “Dermestarium. The container where the missing colony of dermestid beetles were kept.”
    “And people keep
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