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Crystal Shade Episodes 01

Crystal Shade Episodes 01

Titel: Crystal Shade Episodes 01
Autoren: Ifj. & Orlanda Szabo Istvan Szabo
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    “Thousands of stars could tell thousands of stories,” whispered the old man with a gentle smile. “I hope others also see the story of our beautiful star.”
    Decades creased the countenance of the weary old man. He propped himself at the balcony, the silky wind ruffling his grey hair. His aged eyes never tired of the stars that pierced the infinite night sky. But despite the enchanting skyscape, his soul, which desired endless peace, was restless. He had one final promise he had made ages ago still unfulfilled; to share the past with those living in the present. A long held secret, a story to tell. Sorrow embraced him, as he knew as the sun rose to greet a new day one unheard story would pass along with him to vanish for eternity. And the time was close.
    His sigh as soft as the night breeze, the old man pulled his robe tighter around him before he wandered away from the balcony. Slippered feet chafed against the cold stone floor as he shuffled to the middle of the large hall. Images of fighting angels and demons in the agony of their long forgotten war adorned the eleven immense columns surrounding a strange chrono device.
    Thousands of energy orbs formed the mass of a majestic miniature galaxy under the tip of the long tapered crystal shard. Each star, a shiny orb, in this chrono device shone its story, its own truth in sapphire, orange, red, green, and purple among countless colors without a known name. Clear and bright, the shard hovered untethered over the middle of this tiny world like some large mystical sundial. The little galaxy gracefully turned between the stalwart columns. So peaceful and magnificent, its true purpose was hidden behind its enchanting mask.
    The shard’s polished surface mirrored the tired face of the old man who watched the device with endless respect. His eyes focused on the shadow of the sundial, which slowly crept around the crystal shard. The shadow didn’t come from the sun, which slept beyond the horizon as night stood silent sentry outside. It came from the shard itself. Even now, some of the orbs within the crystal’s untouchable dark shadow slowly changed color.
    The old man closed his eyes. He was still in the hall, but his mind was far away in a forgotten world.
    Majestic golden and silver colored eagle shaped crafts appeared in the bright blue sky to fly in formation under the brilliance of the sapphire sun; its eternal glow reflected from their metal bodies and sectioned wings. The crafts dove into battle against hideous dark flying creatures. Like dozens of sleek predatory birds, they fought against the evil web-winged serpentine enemies. Hunted down one by one, the metal bird crafts were ripped to pieces and their wrecks left to explode in the hot white sands, where yet another battle raged.
    Among the white dunes, brave winged warriors, evil demons, and humans in their shiny armour battled desperately with their crystal weapons to challenge death itself. The old man could still see the eyes of the fallen that knew they had no chance for survival, but were determined to die with courage for something in which they believed. Dignity filled their eyes, even in their last moments seeing the blade of death before it struck them down. But they never failed to bravely face their destiny.
    This vision was banished by a bright flash, to be replaced by another. The old man stood in the middle of the crystal shard. Alone. Intense white light surrounded his body, young and healthy once more. An illusion of his blurred memory, he felt energy strings from the crystal tentatively run over his body and embraced him like a caring mother with her beloved child. He knew the energy strings would not harm him. His consciousness became one with the crystal. Alas, this was a long time ago, maybe in another life. Everything around him became a blur, and voices echoed in his mind as the crystal shard forced him to remember, to never forget.
    A wise voice emerged with certainty. No one comes back from there alive, it declared.
    That is my rightful place! shouted a distorted, chaotic voice. How dare you, puppet!
    I’m sick of people dying because of you! This ends, not just for the next Crystal Shade! But forever! his own young voice echoed determined.
    I will be with you. Always, whispered a kind female voice that flooded the old man with endless love, snapping him back to reality.
    He sighed as he studied the crystal chrono device. One of the red orbs within the
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