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Constable Molly Smith 01 - In the Shadow of the Glacier

Constable Molly Smith 01 - In the Shadow of the Glacier

Titel: Constable Molly Smith 01 - In the Shadow of the Glacier
Autoren: Vicki Delany
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isn’t exactly what I would have liked. And not what Larry wanted. But a sensible decision, in the circumstances. Larry would have been most distressed to see violence breaking out over his simple bequest. I wouldn’t have thought Linda Patterson to be capable of such a degree of common sense.”
    “Surprising what a whisper in the ear of an ambitious politician can achieve,” Keller said. He gave Lucky a look that Molly Smith decided she would never attempt to decipher.
    “Would you like a cup of tea, Paul?” Lucky said. “Or something stronger?”
    “Tea will do. Thanks.”
    “So everyone can say they’ve won,” Smith said, after her mother had left for the kitchen, “and not lose face.”
    The Chief Constable settled into Andy’s chair. “We, the Trafalgar City Police, are the biggest winners of all. I need you back, Molly. Soon as you’re able.”
    Smith wiggled her toes, wrapped in bandages. “I’m fine, sir. Except that I can’t take a single step.”
    “I heard that.” Lucky ran into the room. “You leave my daughter alone, Paul Keller.”
    Constable Molly Smith wanted to fall through the floor. Her mother was arguing with her boss. That would help her maintain the image of a tough, dedicated cop.
    Keller smiled. “We can put her on the phones for a while. Typing reports, catching up on computer work.”
    “Oh,” Smith said, “the fun stuff.”
    John Winters was watching her. She cocked her head to one side with a grimace, and, to her surprise, he winked.

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