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Titel: Catweazle
Autoren: Richard Carpenter
Vom Netzwerk:
suddenly. Something very strange was
happening. Catweazle was slowly becoming transparent! Carrot rubbed his eyes in
he called, hardly able to speak with excitement.
happening to you. You’re - you’re - melting!’
’tis beginning,’ replied Catweazle.
you can’t! Nobody can! I mean, it’s impossible!’
foolish word,’ said Catweazle.
going all misty!’
’tis thou,’ said Catweazle. ‘Thou art like smoke!’
Catweazle - ’
    Carrot looked
at Catweazle. He was a pale shadow above the surface of the lake.
it’s true,’ he said quietly. ‘Everything.’
thou doubter! Ay thou disbelieving dreg!’
go yet,’ shouted Carrot suddenly.
late, nettle-face!’
Carrot,’ smiled the old magician, shaking his head. ‘Nine hundred years lie
between us. Fare thee well,’ and Catweazle turned from the boy and disappeared
beneath the water.
you come back one day?’ called Carrot.
day, one day,’ echoed his voice as the mist began to rise, and the magic
circles spread outwards over the lake.
Vom Netzwerk:

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