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Call It Destiny

Call It Destiny

Titel: Call It Destiny
Autoren: Jayne Ann Krentz
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entirely. You are willing to work for the Hacienda and perform the functions of being my mistress. I never have anyone working for me who doesn’t have a clear concept of his or her responsibilities. I find it saves a lot of trouble if the position is clearly understood right from the beginning. I have therefore drawn up a contract that covers your chosen job duties.“
    Heather’s fingers closed too tightly around the stem of her wineglass. Without a word she took a deep swallow of burgundy and watched in morbid fascination as Jake withdrew a folded document from inside his cream-colored jacket. When he handed it to her she was forced to lower the wineglass and accept it.
    A horrible sense of deja vu struck her as her hand closed over the document. Memories of the prenuptial agreement she had insisted Jake sign were burning in her head, and she knew her eyes probably gave away her thoughts. Quickly she lowered her lashes to hide the humiliation and chagrin.
    „You’ve been busy,“ she tried to say offhandedly, staring unseeingly at the neatly typed clauses on the two-page document in front of her. At that moment she couldn’t read a word.
    „I drafted it last night and typed it myself this morning. I’ll want your signature on it by the first of next week, Heather.“
    „I see.“ Unsteadily she refolded the contract and shoved it into her sequined purse. My God, she thought dazedly, he’s going to pin me to the wall like a butterfly.
    „Aren’t you going to read it?“ Jake prodded blandly.
    „Later. I’ll want to study it in some detail, I’m sure.“ She tried another sip of burgundy in an effort to bring her fragmented pulse under control.
    „I’ll be glad to outline the main points.“
    No, she wanted to scream, don’t outline a damn thing. I don’t want to hear it, I don’t want to hear you outline a contract for my love. „Feel free,“ she heard herself invite calmly.
    He leaned forward, holding the glass of Scotch in one tanned hand. The candlelight flickered on the liquor in his glass, making the stuff look like molten gold. Heather focused on it.
    „Basically what that contract says is that you’re my employee. You’ll work for me and you’ll answer only to me. You will follow orders in the same professional manner as any good employee, keeping in mind that what I want for the Hacienda Strand is what you want.“
    „The perfect yes-woman?“
    „Not exactly. You will be assuming the role of my personal assistant and as such, I don’t object to hearing your opinion on matters. But an occasional opinion or suggestion is all I want from you. No arguments, undisciplined battles or emotional protests. You are not sharing ownership of the Hacienda with me as you would if you were my wife. You are merely an employee of the corporation.“
    Heather closed her eyes in brief pain but forced herself to open them almost immediately.
    „I have stipulated what I think is a reasonable salary and you will continue to receive the use of your cottage as part of your compensation.“
    „The Hacienda has always been my home,“ she said quietly. „It will be difficult to think in terms of renting my cottage.“ The truth was, it would be almost impossible and she suspected Jake knew it.
    „The Hacienda is no more your home than it is that of any of the employees,“ Jake said evenly.
    „Will you be charging my parents rent, too?“
    „Your parents and I have an entirely unrelated understanding. My agreement with them has nothing to do with the one I’m establishing with you.“
    „Where was I?“ Jake continued relentlessly, his voice low and hard. „Yes. I remember. In addition to functioning as my personal assistant you will also perform the duties of hostess for the Hacienda. It’s obviously something you’re good at and I need those skills. Above all you will keep in mind that your only goal is to carry out my wishes.“
    „Will you be standing over me with whips and chains?“ she challenged tightly.
    „I don’t think there will be any need for that. You’ve proven over the past few years that you are more than capable of a high level of professional behavior. I’m asking only for that same professionalism now. So much for the first half of the contract.“
    „I can’t wait to hear the second half.“ Heather gulped more wine, her eyes burning.
    „The second half relates to your duties as my mistress.“
    „Your lover,“ she corrected distantly.
    „For purposes
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