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Titel: Bullheaded
Autoren: Catt Ford
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don’t have time for injuries. Ain’t nothing going to slow me down.”
    “The ranch is pretty slow. And your parents don’t push much—”
    “They were pretty high-powered in their day. I get my competitive drive from Mom and the need to get stuff accomplished from Dad. They would hate it if I turned out to be a slacker.”
    “Nothing to worry about on the slacker front. You just keep on trucking.”
    “I’ll get the desk to call us a taxi.”
    “We could take the hotel shuttle.”
    “I got it handled, babe,” Cody said, taking charge as usual.
    It irked Johnny a little when Cody opted for the more expensive route, but he had to admit it was more comfortable. They both traveled light, but light for a cowboy meant several suitcases full of safety equipment and extra clothing. It was a dirty job for both of them. But it meant Cody was paying. Again.
    Of course Cody flirted with security at the airport as he pulled off his boots, put his stuff on the conveyor, and stepped through the metal detector. He made a big deal of pulling off his belt and showing off the buckle to the pretty security girl. Silently, Johnny passed through the detector after him, reflecting that at least this time he didn’t have to watch Cody flirt with a male guard. Cody’s charisma seemed to hypnotize anyone he met into smiles, and then he would pass it off to Johnny as good PR.
    “Fucking airport security. Fucking boots.” Cody clamped onto Johnny’s shoulder to stamp his boots back on.
    “Maybe you should wear sneakers.” Johnny snickered, relishing the idea of Cody in sneakers.
    “I’d have to bend over to tie them.”
    “Looks like the terrorists won if all they wanted was for us to get stuck in stupid annoying lines,” Johnny said.
    “Whatever. I can’t wait to get home. I’d rather have some time alone with you before they show up than be on the road.” Cody picked up his bag and started to walk to the gate.
    “Before who shows up?” Johnny hurried to catch up, slinging the strap of his bag over his shoulder.
    “Didn’t I tell you? Sam Wells is sending a few boys over for lessons. Some kids from the touring division. He says they need a little help to get them up to Pro Cut standards.”
    “Shows he appreciates your talent,” Johnny said.
    “Yours too. You, me, couple of the hands. Maybe between that and contracting my bulls to ride, I might be able to make us a living.”
    “Could be fun. Could be a disaster.” Johnny decided to ignore the crack about earning a living. Cody had a hard time talking about retirement. If he could have his way he never would.
    “Don’t worry. I won’t let ’em near one of my bulls ’til I know if they got any glue on the seat of their pants,” Cody assured him. “Those bulls mean too much to me.”
    Johnny laughed. “Not the bulls. I meant for the riders. What if one of them breaks a leg or something?”
    “Never too early to get broke in,” Cody said with a grin. “Pain is just a by-product of bull riding, and they better get trained to it young. They got health insurance. Sam wouldn’t send them out if they didn’t.”
    “When’ll they get there?”
    “We’ll have the ranch all to ourselves for three days before they show up.” Cody stared at Johnny’s groin and licked his lips. “The first class will go a week, unless they all drop out. Then if Sam likes our style, he might send another bunch of riders our way. After that we have to work the two-year-old bulls. The more I can get out bucking this year, the better.”
    “I was thinking of working through the break. Vern asked me if we could keep the team together for the summer tour,” Johnny started. “Said as a team we’re clicking and—”
    “You don’t want to do that,” Cody said authoritatively. “You guys already work like you’ve been together for years. You need a break as much as I do. Stay home with me.” He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively. “I’ll make it worth your while.”
    “I’ll think about it, but it’s a great opportunity—”
    “Great,” Cody said with satisfaction. “It’s all settled. We’ll work out and get in really good shape for September.”
    “And then you’ll win the top prize,” Johnny teased.
    “I try to plan ahead,” Cody said modestly. “A few of the other guys might have the same idea. I’ll do my best but it’s not in the bag yet.”
    Cody held up a finger as the loudspeaker blared. “They’re starting to board our
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