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Brazen Virtue

Brazen Virtue

Titel: Brazen Virtue
Autoren: Nora Roberts
Vom Netzwerk:
was losing. “I’m sorry, Grace, it wouldn’t be possible for you to go back to New York tonight. In a couple of days, after we’ve got the paperwork wrapped up.”
    “New York?” Grace set the brandy aside. She didn’t need it after all. “I said I wanted to go home, Ed. That’s next door.” When he turned to stare down at her, she tried a half smile. “That is, if the offer still holds.”
    “It holds.” He slipped his arms around her. “It’s not much of a home yet, Grace. It needs a lot of work.”

    “My evenings are free.” Content, she snuggled against him. “I never told you that when I first came I picked your house out as the one I’d most like to live in. Let’s go home, Ed.”
    “Sure.” He helped her to her feet.
    “One thing.” She dragged the heels of her hands over her face until she was sure it was dry. “I’m not going to iron your shirts.”

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