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Brave New Worlds

Brave New Worlds

Titel: Brave New Worlds
Autoren: Ursula K. Le Guin
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needs a shave, or perhaps he is bearded. Jane serves lasagna, or chicken casserole, as she tells her family about her day. The child is a girl, or a boy. The child sits in a highchair and gazes adoringly at John and Jane. After they eat, the parents take the child upstairs, singing a lullaby. It's been a good day.
    Their world is radical, or traditional. They vote like responsible citizens, but they're more excited by the child learning to walk. The child grows up in revolution, or not, and marries a man, or a woman, or no one at all. S/he raises a family in Utopia/Dystopia or a world that is neither. When the apocalypse comes, s/he stays with the kids, who are grown up themselves and having a child. Despite the destruction, a baby is born.
    You have a civilization.

For Further Reading
    compiled by Ross E. Lockhart

    W hat follows is a selected bibliography of noteworthy Dystopian and Utopian fiction. Dystopia and Utopia are often considered to be opposing sides of a coin, but perhaps the two lie closer than one might at first suspect. Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four , for instance, may have ended badly for Winston Smith, but Inner Party loyalist O'Brien undoubtedly got a promotion for bringing such a dangerous radical as Smith to justice. Titles notable for their high literary value are marked with an asterisk.

    To learn more about the stories in Brave New Worlds , visit the anthology's website at johnjosephadams.com/brave-new-worlds

    Notable Dystopias:

    Amis, Martin
    Einstein's Monsters

    Anderson, M. T.

    Armstrong, Jon
    Grey (et. seq. )

    Asimov, Isaac
    Pebble in the Sky

    Atwood, Margaret
    The Handmaid's Tale *
    Oryx and Crake
    the Year of the Flood

    Auster, Paul
    In the Country of Last things

    Bacigalupi, Paolo
    The Windup Girl *
    Ship Breaker

    Ballard, J. G.
    Hello America

    Barry, Max
    Jennifer Government

    Bates, Paul L.

    Beaton, Alistair
    A Planet for the President

    Beckett, Bernard

    Böll, Heinrich
    My Melancholy Face

    Boston, Bruce
    The Guardener's Tale

    Boyd, John
    The Last Starship from Earth

    Bradbury, Ray
    Fahrenheit 451 *

    Brain, Marshall

    Brooke, Keith

    Brunner, John
    The Jagged Orbit
    The Sheep Look Up *
    The Shockwave Rider

    Bulwer-Lytton, Edward
    Vril: the Power of the Coming Race

    Burgess, Anthony
    A Clockwork Orange
    The Wanting Seed

    Burroughs, William S.
    Blade Runner, a Movie (see also Nourse, Alan E. )

    Butler, Octavia
    Parable of the Sower *

    Carbonneau, Louis
    Barrier World

    Cobb, William
    A Spring of Souls

    Cohen, Stuart Archer
    The Army of the Republic

    Collins, Suzanne
    The Hunger Games (et. seq. )

    Cowdrey, Albert E.

    Crace, Jim
    The Pesthouse

    DeVita, James
    The Silenced

    DiChario, Nick
    Valley of Day-Glo

    Dick, Philip K.
    Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said
    The Man in the High Castle *

    Disch, Thomas
    The Genocides

    Doctrow, Cory
    Little Brother

    Farmer, Philip José
    Riders of the Purple Wage

    Ferrigno, Robert
    Prayers for the Assassin (et. seq. )

    Fischer, Tibor
    The Collector Collector

    Fukui, Isamu

    Gibson, William
    Mona Lisa Overdrive
    Neuromancer *

    Gray, Alasdair
    Lanark: A Life in Four Books *

    Grimes, Tom
    City of God

    Hairston, Andrea

    Hall, Sarah
    Daughters of the North

    Harkaway, Nick
    The Gone-Away World

    Harris, Robert

    Harrison, Harry
    Make Room! Make Room! *

    Herbert, Frank
    Hellstrom's Hive

    Hubbard, L. Ron
    Final Blackout

    Huxley, Aldous
    Ape and Essence
    Brave New World *

    Ishiguro, Kazuo
    Never Let Me Go

    Johnston, Paul
    The House of Dust

    Keogh, Andrew

    Keppel-Jones, Arthur M.
    When Smuts Goes

    Kerr, Philip
    The Second Angel

    King, Stephen (writing as Richard Bachman)
    The Long Walk
    The Running Man

    Kuttner, Henry
    The Iron Standard

    Lamar, Jake
    The Last Integrationist

    Le Guin, Ursula K.
    The Lathe of Heaven

    Lem, Stansiław
    Memoirs Found in a Bathtub

    Lerner, Lisa
    Just Like Beauty

    Levin, Ira
    This Perfect Day

    Lewis, Sinclair
    It Can't Happen Here *

    London, Jack
    The Iron Heel *

    Lowry, Lois
    The Giver

    Lundwall, Sam J.
    2018 A. D. or the King Kong Blues

    Mark, Jan
    Useful Idiots

    McCarthy, Cormac
    The Road *

    McCarthy, Wil

    McIntosh, Will
    Soft Apocalypse

    McMullen, Sean
    Eyes of the Calculor

    Mellick III, Carlton
    The Egg Man
    War Slut

    Miéville, China
    Perdido Street Station

    Mitchell, David
    Cloud Atlas ("Sonmis Oratio")

    Moore, Alan
    V for
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