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Beautiful Bastard

Beautiful Bastard

Titel: Beautiful Bastard
Autoren: Christina Lauren
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Web site, the company newsletter.
    They had me sign some papers, pose for some photos, shake a lot of hands.
    They even offered me a job at JT Miller.
    “She’s taken,” Bennett said, pulling me to the side. He stared down at me, wordless, while everyone eventually filtered out of the room.
    “Yeah, about that,” I said, trying to sound angry. I was still on a crazy high from the presentation, from the discussion, from the entire day. Having Bennett within kissing distance didn’t hurt at all.
    “Please don’t say no. I sort of stole Dad’s thunder. He was going to call you tonight.”
    “Is he really going to offer me a job?”
    “Are you going to take it?”
    I shrugged, feeling giddy. “Who knows? Right now I just want to celebrate.”
    “You were amazing up there.” He bent and kissed my cheek.
    “Thank you. It was the most fun I’ve had in weeks.”
    “The handouts were good, am I right?”
    I rolled my eyes. “Yes, but you made one critical error.”
    His face fell. “What?”
    “You admitted that you know how to operate PowerPoint.”
    With a laugh, he took my laptop bag from me and put it on a chair behind him, stalking closer with a dark smile. “I used to make slides for my boss. I was an intern once too, of course.”
    Goose bumps broke out along my skin. “Did your boss yell?”
    “Occasionally.” He ran his index finger up my arm.
    “Criticize your handwriting?”
    “Constantly.” He leaned down, kissed the corner of my mouth.
    “Did your boss kiss you?”
    “My father has always been more of a handshaker, really.”
    I laughed, slipping my hands under his jacket so I could wrap my arms around him. “Well, I’m not your intern anymore.”
    “No, you’re my colleague.”
    I hummed, liking the sound of that.
    “And my lover?”
    “Yes.” My voice shook on the single syllable, and I understood very clearly the meaning of “drowning in relief.” I was positive Bennett could feel my heart pounding against him.
    He bit my earlobe. “I’ll have to find new excuses to get you up to the boardroom and naked against the window.”
    Steam filled my veins, thick and warm. “You don’t need excuses to take me home, though.”
    Bennett kissed across my cheek and pressed a single, soft kiss to my mouth. “Chloe?”
    “Yes, Bennett?”
    “This flirting is all well and good, but I mean it when I tell you, I can’t have you leaving me again. It almost broke me.”
    My ribs seemed to squeeze all of the air out of my lungs at the thought. “I don’t think I could. I don’t want to be away from you again either.”
    “But you need to give me a chance to fix things when I screw up. You know I’m an ass sometimes.”
    Growling, he whispered, “And I tear lingerie.”
    I pushed a curl off his forehead. “And hoard it. Don’t forget the creepy hoarding.”
    “But I love you,” he said, looking at me with wide eyes. “And I’m on a first-name basis now with most of the sales staff at La Perla. I did a lot of in-store moping while you were gone. I also have it on good authority that I’m the best sex you’ve ever had. So, hopefully those things outweigh the bad.”
    “Sold.” I pulled him down to me. “Come here.” I slid my mouth over his, nibbling his bottom lip. With my fists gripping his lapels, I turned and pressed him against the window, standing on my toes to get closer, as close as I possibly could.
    “So demanding now that you’re all official.”
    “Shut up and kiss me,” I laughed into his mouth.
    “Yes, boss.”

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    Our first declaration of love has to be for Holly Root, our agent, our cheerleader, our adorable ninja, and the baddest badass out there. Remember that time we put on our big-girl pants and told you all of our secrets? You accepted our piglet side with as much enthusiasm as the rest of it. Thank you for letting us tick the All of the Above box. You are an amazing human.
    The excited-fangirl kind of shoutycaps for Adam Wilson, our editor at Gallery, for immediately getting BB, for getting us, and for margin notes that had us laughing for (literally) days. Also, we’re happy to know at least one guy has read this story. We promise we’ll never use “vulva.”
    To Dawn, for her unwavering friendship and her enthusiasm when we suggested making this into something new. Thank you to Rachel, for carefully beta’ing the original fanfic. Moi, you are an amazing friend, and the best head
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