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Alien in the House

Alien in the House

Titel: Alien in the House
Autoren: Gini Koch
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real personality.
    I was preoccupied with thinking about the “new Lydia” so I didn’t respond. She didn’t seem to care. “But anyway, Guy, could we get something to drink, please?”
    “Of course, my dear. Ambassador, dear Lillian, please excuse us.” Gadoire ushered Lydia off. Wondered where Vance was and if he was aware that his husband seemed to be moving Lydia into their marriage. Or maybe Lydia was moving herself into Vance’s marriage.
    “Abner, be a love and fetch me something nice,” Lillian said. “You know what I like.” He smiled, kissed her cheek, and trailed after Gadoire. Lillian turned back to me. “You have a request, Ambassador. So let’s save the time and you tell me what it is that I can do for you. I’ll speak for Guy on this one, too. We’ve already chatted, right after your late night calls to both of us.”
    “Sorry about that, I’d lost track of the time. But, um, how did you know I have a request of any kind?”
    She laughed softly. “You’re very new at this. But I understand—it’s awkward, the first time you need to reach out to your friends for help, the first time something seems beyond you.” She took my hand in hers. Managed not to flinch, was relieved there really was no electrified joy buzzer in her palm. “We’re here for you.”
    Focused on the goal, which was to prevent a lot of horrible things from happening. “I need you two to use your influence to help kill all the bills going through the House and Senate right now. Preferably before Congress officially starts the new session in January.”
    She laughed louder. “Is
    “They don’t have to die completely, but there are clear anti-alien lines in all of the bills that need to be removed, so the bills have to go back to committee or die.”
    “I see. And, just what can American Centaurion do for us in return?”
    This was the part I was dreading. “I have no freaking idea. But I’ll bet you do.”
    She smiled again and this time there was no mistaking it—Joker Jaws was in the house. “Oh, yes, I do. So does Guy. We’ll think on it, and let you know. Somewhere before January third.”
    “Super. Thanks. I think.”
    She squeezed my hand, gently. “You’ll get used to it. We do something for you, you do something for us, quid pro quo. After a while, you won’t feel dirty about it.” She looked around. “Is that Clifford? Haven’t seen him in at least a week.”
    She sailed off toward Cliff, who spotted her coming and looked around for an escape route. He was too slow and she cornered him. Abner, Gadoire, and Lydia joined them. Nice to know I was dismissed until they’d determined what they could get out of us. Problem was, I knew they were going to get a lot.
    Watched the four of them talk to Cliff. He definitely looked surrounded by barracuda. Looked around for where Nathalie was. Found her in the group Jeff was with. She looked like she was barely holding up. Jeff was on one side of her, Reader was on the other. Got the feeling they were protecting her, which I was more than fine with.
    Chuckie joined Cliff and the Barracuda Brigade. Had to figure Cabal of Evil was no more, at least for now. Cliff looked relieved to have the support. Couldn’t blame him.
    Everything seemed calm, but we hadn’t stopped anything or anyone. We had some information, we had some dead bad guys, we had more questions than answers. And we had people still missing. Most missing of all, of course, were the Master and Apprentice. With Raul and Clarence both dead, our chances of catching the Master were slim, at least right now. But one of the Apprentice Wannabes might be here.
    Looked around. Lots of people, but one I’d gotten used to was missing. Supposedly Buchanan was going to be awake and with us. But I didn’t see him anywhere. “Malcolm, I could really use someone to talk to,” I said under my breath.
    “Missus Chief, I thought you’d never ask.”

    S PUN AROUND to see Buchanan there. Didn’t think about it, just gave him a big hug. “You’re okay!”
    He laughed and hugged me back. “Yes, I am. And now the rumor mill has a great story, too. Can’t wait for your husband’s reaction to this.”
    “He’s a little busy right now.”
    “And you’re not enjoying Baby Chief’s party. I know I’ve missed a lot.” His eyes narrowed. “Doctor Hernandez explained that I’ve lost thirty minutes. He’s briefed me somewhat, but I know there’s more going on than I
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