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Again (Brandy Jeffus)

Again (Brandy Jeffus)

Titel: Again (Brandy Jeffus)
Autoren: Brandy Jeffus
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Mick and the band to have what they needed.
    She dialed her sister’s number and waited through two rings.
    “Hello Bonnie?” Tatum asked breathlessly.
    “Uh huh, what you up to? What’s wrong?”
    “Nothing, I just finished a run. Anyway, I wanted to tell you that we found out Eli is going overseas. His parents told Mom.” That was Tatum, short and to the point, always.
    The news hit Bonnie hard and her heart skipped a beat. The country wasn’t in the middle of a war, but things had been stressed in certain parts overseas. The little news that she did hear had been centered on the controversy in a war ridden country and the USA were on the way to help.
    “Bonnie, you still there? I just wanted to let you know. Just pray for him okay? That’s all Mama says we can do.”
    A mental image of Eli in a Marine uniform involved in a combat battle plagued Bonnie’s thoughts. No matter what, Eli had a special part in her heart. Her hurt feelings and sadness over what had happened, everything that happened even the miscarriage, had dissipated over time. When she thought of Eli, it was out of longing for their happy past.
    “Yeah, I’m here. Sorry I zoned out. I’ll pray for him too. Thank you for telling me.”
    “No problem. So how are things? What city are you guys in?” Tatum asked, somehow knowing that her sister would need a new topic to talk about.
    They spoke for another half hour and Bonnie finally had to let her go to head back to the bus. Fear had settled in her heart and mind for Eli. She would just have to hope and pray for the best and ask God to send him back alive, even if he wasn’t coming back for her.
    Chapter Seven
    "Mick, what are you doing here?" I can smell the alcohol from the doorway, as he stands on my porch wearing tight black jeans and a ragged white shirt.
    Seeing him shocks my whole being. It has already been a couple months since Mama's accident. I had started moving on, with Eli. Every day was better than the last and I was finally settled into a comfortable routine.
    "You know why. I'm here to bring you back home. I know your mom's fine now. You can leave this place and quit playing babysitter," he reaches for my hand but I pull away.
    "Mick, this is my home. You know that. This was just a wasted trip for you." I wrap my arms around my stomach.
    "I just don't get you, Bonnie. I gave you everything, and all you're doing is treating me like shit!" Mick's face changes into a mask of disgust; his eyes reflect all the venom in his heart for me.
    Nobody ever tells Mick Jones no.
    He takes a step toward me and I step back. I’ve seen him like this only a handful of times and the outcome has never been that great.
    "Is there a problem here, Bonnie?" Eli’s voice is a welcomed relief. He’s come from the side of the house.
    Mick turns and stares with hatred in his eyes. I lock eyes with Eli and he gives me a slight nod. I let out the breath I had been holding.
    "And who do we have here?" Mick slurs.
    "Hi, I'm Officer Stone, and a personal friend of Bonnie's. What's going on here? Have you been drinking sir?" Eli is calm and professional and I feel my heart swell with pride. Officer Stone is pretty hot sight to behold.
    Mick's eyes go slit like a cat's, "Oh? Is that right? A close personal friend, huh?"
    The man loves his Jack Daniels. I knew deep down, back when we were together, that Mick was an alcoholic, but I always looked the other way. Seeing it from a fresh perspective I could tell how much trouble he was in. Could I have stopped him from going down this path?
    Once upon a time, I had loved Mick. He had been fun, lively and carefree. Always ready to have a good time. He saved me for a long time from myself. I don’t want a fight to start between him and Eli. This needs to be fixed it, I need to intervene and just make this problem go away.
    "Mick, you've been drinking. Let me call your assistant ok? You just need to sleep it off." I grab Mick's arm gently and Eli raises an eyebrow.
    "Oh shut up, Bonnie! Don't touch me!" he yanks his arm away causing me to stumble. I see Eli take a step toward us and I hold up my hand.
    "Mick, please. Just let me call Amber ok? She can come pick you up. I can tell you're really drunk and you just need some sleep."
    Tears threaten to fall, as I realize how many times I had said the exact same words to him in the past. This is my entire fault. I was one of those enabler people you hear about on addiction shows. It’s just as much my fault as
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