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Titel: Abacus
Autoren: Josh Burton
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reinforced Perspex screen between them, which was the only thing saving the inmate from a very, very violent end. But he had to keep calm. He had to keep control. Smiling at the prisoner he maintained his composure. “Ah, prisoner Jenkins, long time no see.” The prisoner’s brow furrowed in a look of total confusion. “You probably don’t remember me, but I was the little kid that watched you and your mate Fleming murder my dad and rape my mother before slitting her throat.”
    T he prisoner got to his feet to walk away. Randall could no longer control his temper as he exploded. Standing up, he thumped the Perspex with his granite hard fist and pointed his index finger threateningly at the prisoner. “Now don’t be a fucking coward, Jenkins, you piece of shit, have the balls to look at me.” The outburst drew the attention of the warders and other inmates. Trying to save face, the prisoner slowly turned around and hesitantly sat back down. This caused the startled guards to relax and remain seated.
    “I’ve got nothin’ to say to you,” he whispered with a scowl.
    “Is that right,” Randall said, composing himself before sliding the cake in front of him. “Anyway, you’re probably not aware, but today is the anniversary of my parents’ murder, so I have bought a cake to help you commemorate.”
    The prisoner looked at the gi ft. “You’re fucking mad,” he joked, half smiling.
    “I will bring you a cake on this day, every year, until you get out of here, w hich is a day I have longed for ever since you slaughtered them.”
    The prisoner ’s face took on a more concerned look, as he appeared to consider leaving again. “So when you get released, don’t organize a lift or anything, ’cause I will be here to pick you up and, you know, get to know you better,” Randall said with a disconcerting smile. The prisoner finally looked into Randall’s eyes. It would have been like looking into the eyes of a shark. They were dark, cold and merciless with absolutely no fear of consequence. Jenkins would know from that moment on he was looking into the eyes of the man who would eventually kill him.
    Leaning forward and resting on his elbows, Randall continued, “It’s a shame that your mate Fleming won’t be joining us for cake.” He paused to momentarily look around the room. “Can you believe how it all ended for him? What a terrible way to go. You wouldn’t think a person would be capable of doing such a thing to a fellow human being, would you? ” The prisoner looked uncomfortably around the room as Randall slowly and deliberately shook his head. “And strangely, it happened to him right here in this jail, inside these very walls. I don’t know how you can sleep at night with all these fucking crazies in here who are capable of doing thos e things. There is certainly no place to hide these days, is there, Terry?” The evasive prisoner was unmoved. “But I’m sure you won’t have any problems ’cause I’ve got your back, you know. I don’t want anyone to touch a hair on your pretty little head.” The prisoner nervously smiled and looked towards the guards. He did his utmost to appear unconcerned, but his fiddling hands told the true story.
    Shielding his mouth with his hand he whispered, “Can you believe they even spoke to me about Fleming’s unfortunate mutilations? They thought I had something to do with it, but how could I do that from out here. Crazy, eh?” Randall said jovially with arms extended in innocence. “But they really didn’t have much, they were just fishing. Cops have a habit of doing that, but you know that better than most, don’t you, Terry?”
    Randall pushed hi s seat in closer to the Perspex. “Anyway, enough about our dead friend Fleming, let’s talk about you. You were the mastermind behind the whole thing, so I am really interested in you, and I am excited about catching up with you when you get parole.” Randall clasped his hands together and stared intently. “You know, I can still hear that fucking laugh when you cut her throat. I remember seeing the blood spurting from her neck and I can still see that fucking smirk on your face. I will never forget it. You were obviously really enjoying yourself, and likewise, I’m really going to enjoy my time with you. So make sure you behave yourself to get early parole so we can get together soon. Okay?”
    The prisoner got up fr om his chair and yelled, “Guard!” He retreated to the entry door and
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