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Titel: Abacus
Autoren: Josh Burton
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favourites. I despise you both equally. The truth is you are a fat fuck, so it was a simple case of the extra weight being required as a counter balance, that’s all.” Randall patted his belly. “So your unhealthy lifestyle really hasn’t served you well in this instance, has it?”
    T he bikie’s body shuddered as he broke into a teary mess.
    “But don’t worry , Peter, as you lose your limbs you will rise up the tree out of harm’s way. The only trouble is you would’ve probably bled out by then, though.”
    His eyes s earched the billabong as he desperately pleaded, “Please, please forgive us, let me go, I’ve got family too. I was just doin’ what I was told, that’s all.”
    “Shut the fuck up,” the president called down.
    “He made me do it. I have nothing against you, officer, but he does.”
    “Is that so,” Randall said thoughtfully as he walked to the water’s edge and slowly poured some offal from the bag into the shallows. The guts from the bag created reddish, oily plumes, which quickly mushroomed out across the water’s surface.
    R andall rinsed his hands and dried them on his jeans as he walked back. “C’mon boys, why so glum. You murder people, sell drugs to kids, extort money from people, bully and stand over others, so it’s time that you felt what it is like to be the victim. You will now walk in the shoes of those you have fucked over. These crocs are going to rip you both apart, and like my children you will be totally defenceless.”
    Randall , with hands on hips, looked out at the water. Drawing in a deep breath through his nose, he admired the pinkish skies which would proceed a dramatic sunset. “Yep, nature truly is one of the great levellers.”
    Returnin g to the car, he watched proceedings from the comfort of his driver’s seat. He watched the two dangle helplessly. There was no conversation between them. He only hoped that he hadn’t been the catalyst for a falling out between them. About ten minutes later as the sun set over the water, he saw a series or ripples heading towards the bank. The ripples followed the powerful thrust of a large rudder. From the water came a set of flared nostrils, followed by a huge prehistoric head. Clambering up the muddied bank, the huge dinosaur was breathtaking in size. His short stout legs heaved his oversized head sluggishly towards the dangling bikie.
    “No, no, help, please help me!” Pete yelled as the croc closed in on his lifeless legs. His head shook back and forth as he tried to lift them up. This only spurred the croc on, as he moved in a little faster. Now beside his legs, the croc, ever so gently tilted his head to the side and latched onto his foot before crunching down on it. Watching his foot disappear into the crocodile’s mouth would have been a surreal experience for Peter, as he could see it happening in great detail but would not have felt any pain at all. Both men screamed out uncontrollably. What Randall found surprising was that the president, who was further up the tree, screamed out the loudest and looked most affected by the mauling. The crocodile violently thrust his head from side to side, making a crunching sound as it tried to reef the stubborn foot from the leg bones.
    Running from the car , Randall fired a warning shot, causing the monster to release its prey and make a hasty retreat back into the murky waters.
    Randall studied Peter’s foot, which was mangled, bleeding and only holding on by a few sinews. “Shit, that was close,” he said, shaking his head as he walked to the water’s edge. He poured the remaining offal from the bag into the shallows. “Don’t worry, I’m sure we can get something much bigger this time, boys.”


    Six Months Earlier.

    It was Sunday and his day off work. But there was no rest for Randall as he got up early for his yearly appointment at Long Bay Jail, Malabar, in Sydney’s eastern suburbs.
    As h is big Merc hurtled along Southern Cross Drive, he peeked across at the solitary sponge cake sitting on the passenger’s seat. The clear plastic jacket gave away its economical supermarket origin. Nonetheless, he still found himself somewhat drawn to it. Succumbing to temptation, he reached across, flipped open the lid, and plunged his index finger deep into the layer of mock cream and jam. Still looking at the road ahead, he slowly pushed his finger into his mouth and sucked it clean. Glancing across at the obvious sign
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