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A Midsummer Night's Scream

A Midsummer Night's Scream

Titel: A Midsummer Night's Scream
Autoren: Jill Churchill
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us, if we wanted.“
    “That’s wonderful. I want to go along as well. Can we give you a ride?“
    “That was what I was about to hint at,“ Ms. Bunting said with a laugh. “John is still wasting time hunting for his golf club, and I don’t want to take a cab. My last ride in one was harrowing, to say the least.“
    “I’ll give Shelley a call and tell her this. We’ll pick you up in time to be at the needlepoint shop at one.“
    Shelley was delighted. “I have finished my sampler and want to have it framed and then pick out new thread colors for this basket-weave project.“
    Jane laughed. “You just want to fill up more of the pockets in your jewelry holder thing. So do I. We still have thirty more pockets to fill with pretty colors.“
    They picked up Ms. Bunting, who was waiting in front of the hotel. “This is so nice of you girls to haul me around.“
    “You merely inspired us to go spend money,“ Jane said.
    “It could turn into an expensive hobby, couldn’t it? But well worth it,“ Ms. Bunting said. “I’ve already completed one in two weeks, and the play runs another three. I’d be bored senseless if I didn’t have something do with my hands all day.“
    When they arrived, all three of them bought new canvases and new threads in gorgeous colors. They also learned how to do basket weave.
    Martha gave them each a scrap of leftover canvas and showed them how to do the stitch. “Remember, keep a loose hand. This is the most durable of the patterns, but it will go all diagonal if you do it too tight.“
    Ms. Bunting said, “You know, I was a little afraid at first that I couldn’t do needlepoint this well. I have a touch of arthritis in my right hand. I was surprised to learn that the stitching was good for me. The pain went away after the first few days. It’s been good for me in a number of ways.“
    “I’m so glad to hear that,“ Martha said. “I’ve heard the same from other people new to needlepoint. Sometimes it makes that big muscle in your thumb hurt a little for the first few days. But all three of you have mastered the right tension,“ she added, looking at the projects they’d brought along.
    “Will you be able to turn mine into a pillow before the play is done?“ Ms. Bunting asked.
    Martha said, “I normally send it out to be done. But for you, I’ll do it myself. Let’s look over fabrics that you’d like for the back and the piping around the edges.“ She proceeded to rummage in one of her storage bins and spread out a dozen or so swatches.
    “I like the Wedgwood blue,“ Ms. Bunting said. “Is it sturdy enough?“
    “It’s the perfect weight and heft. I have enough of it, and I can have the pillow ready for you early next week.“ She paused a moment, then added, “Mrs. Nowack, you’re doing that basket weave just a tiny bit tight.“
    Professor Steven Imry called Evelyn Chance at eleven-thirty Friday morning and told her how he’d changed the script, explaining that only two actors needed to know different lines in the final act and they’d already rehearsed it.
    “I want to see it myself,“ Ms. Chance said.
    “Then pick up a copy in my office at the theater. I’m going home to sleep this afternoon.“ He hung up.
    She called back, furious, and there was no answer.
    Mel called Jane and asked, “Are you two going to the opening night of the play this evening?“
    “Probably not for all of it. We’ve already seen nearly every scene, except the one Evelyn Chance insisted that Imry change. We might show up at the end, though, just to see if it makes sense.“
    “I hope you will. And Jane, this is going to be an imposition, but would you and Shelley hang around for a bit after the play?“
    “I suppose so. Why?“
    “I can’t tell you. But I’ll need both of you there.“
    “Okay.“ Jane was perplexed but knew better than to argue.
    She called Shelley and repeated the mysterious message.
“What on earth would he need us for?“
    “Maybe to give some sort of information about the murderer?“
    Shelley said, “We don’t know anything worthwhile. What little we do know is about Ms. Bunting, and she’s certainly not a murderer. But if he wants us there for some obscure reason, I guess we should do as he asked. Have you told him about your agent yet?“
    “I haven’t had the chance. He’s been too busy. I don’t want to give my good news to a man too preoccupied to fully appreciate it.“
    “We might as well turn up for the whole play,“
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