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A is for Alibi

A is for Alibi

Titel: A is for Alibi
Autoren: Sue Grafton
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apart, meaning business He froze instantly where he stood, not saying a word.
    I felt cold and my voice was tight, but the gun never wavered an inch. "I want some answers and I want them now," I said. I saw him glance to his right. There was a hammer lying on the ground but he made no move.
    "Back up," I said, stepping forward slightly until I was between him and the hammer. He did as instructed, the pale blue eyes sliding back to mine, hands coming up.
    "I don't want to shoot you, Lyle, but I will."
    For once, he didn't look sullen or sly or arrogant. He stared straight at me with the first sign of respect I'd seen from him.
    "You're the boss," he said.
    "Don't fuckin' smart-mouth me," I snapped. "I'm not in the mood. Now sit down in the grass. Out there. And don't move a muscle unless I tell you to."
    Obediently, he moved out to a small stretch of grass and sat down, eyes on me the whole time. It was quiet and I could hear birds chirping stupidly but we seemed to be alone and I liked it that way. I kept the gun pointed right at his chest, willing my hands not to shake. The sun was hot and it made him squint.
    "Tell me about Libby Glass," I said.
    "I didn't kill her," he shot back uneasily.
    "That's not the point. I want to know what went on. I want to know what you haven't told me yet. When did you see her last?"
    He shut his mouth.
    "Tell me!"
    He didn't have Gwen's poise and he didn't have her smarts. The sight of the gun seemed to help him make up his mind.
    "The day she died, right?"
    "That's right, but I didn't do anything. I went over to see her and we had a big fight and she was upset."
    "All right, all right. Skip the buildup. What else?"
    He was silent.
    "Lyle," I said, warningly. The muscles in his face seemed to pull together like a drawstring purse and he started to weep. He put his hands up over his face pathetically. He'd kept it in for a long time. If I was wrong about this, I was wrong about everything. I couldn't let him off the hook.
    "Just tell me," I said, tone dead, "I need to know."
    I thought he was coughing but I knew what I heard were sobs. He might have been nine years old, looking squeezed up and frail and small.
    "I gave her a tranq," he said with anguish. "She asked for one and I found this bottle in the medicine cabinet and gave it to her. God, I even gave her a glass of water. I loved her so much."
    The first rush subsided and he dashed at the tears on his face with a grubby hand, leaving streaks of dirt. He hugged himself, rocking back and forth in misery, tears streaming down his bony cheeks again.
    "Go on," I said.
    "I left after that but I felt bad and I went back later and that's when I found her dead on the bathroom floor. I was afraid they'd find my fingerprints and think I'd done something to her so I wiped the whole place down."
    "And you took the tranquilizers with you when you left?"
    He nodded, pressing his fingers into his eye sockets as though he could force the tears back. "I flushed 'em down the toilet when I got home. I smashed up the bottle and threw it away."
    "How'd you know that's what it was?"
    "I don't know. I just knew. I remembered that guy, the one up north and I knew he'd died that way. She might not have taken the goddamn thing if it weren't for me, but we had that screaming fight and she was so mad, she shook. I didn't even know she had any tranqs till she asked for one and I didn't see anything wrong with that. I went back to apologize." The worst of it seemed to be over with and he sighed deeply, his voice almost normal again.
    "What else?"
    "I don't now. The phone was unplugged. I plugged it back in and wiped that down too." he said woodenly. "I didn't mean any harm. I just had to protect myself. I wouldn't poison her. I wouldn't have done that to her, I swear to God. I didn't have anything to do with that or anything else except I cleaned the place. In case there were fingerprints. I didn't want anything pointing to me. And I took the bottle the pills were in. I did that."
    "But you didn't break into the storage bin," I said.
    He shook his head.
    I lowered the gun. I'd half known but I had to be sure. "Are you going to turn me in?"
    "No. Not you."
    I went back to the car and sat blankly, wondering in some vague irrational way if I really would have used the gun. I didn't think so. Tough. I'm tough, scaring the shit out of some dumb kid. I shook my head, feeling tears of my own. I started the car and put it into gear, heading back over the
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