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A Dirty Drag Collection (Dirty Drag #1, 2, & 3)

A Dirty Drag Collection (Dirty Drag #1, 2, & 3)

Titel: A Dirty Drag Collection (Dirty Drag #1, 2, & 3)
Autoren: Kyle Adams
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a relationship. That is what he wanted right? A chance to see how they connected with each other, more than just physically. Rick had already put up with a lot, more than he probably should have, and yet, he still asked Ashley out. Ashley wasn’t stupid. He knew Rick could only bend so far before he just gave up on Ashley.
    So, he decided to take this date seriously. He’d use this opportunity to impress Rick and show him that he did, in fact, have more to offer than just being a sexy skanktart. To show that he wasn’t just a brainless bimfoon, that’s when a bimbo breeds with a buffoon, resulting in a true, hot mess. Ashley smiled to himself as he walked over to the far side of his room, just past his vanity and opened his closet, pushing clothes out of his way. He knew just what he wanted to wear, and it was hiding in the very back of the full closet.
    Drag Queens spend a lot of time looking in mirrors, at least Ashley did anyway. Not just while applying makeup but he also spent a lot of time making faces in the mirror. He knew he looked ridiculous, but he had to see how his make-up appeared when he made certain expressions. Blending and shading was an art, and he had a style all his own. Some poses made his cheeks look bloated or pressed his eyebrows too close together, resulting in the dreaded unibrow. That had happened once when he was first getting used to applying make-up. In fact, he found drawing eyebrows especially hard, so he always scrutinized himself, scrunching up his nose and squinting his eyes. Any unflattering expression he made sure not to use out in public. After he has finished painting on his makeup and he’s thoroughly inspected his work, he always blows himself a kiss in the mirror.
    Tonight, there would be no need for drag makeup, but that didn’t mean he wouldn’t still wear some. Sitting down at his vanity with large swivel mirror, he applied light charcoal eyeliner, just to help outline his big brown eyes. Then he put on some clear but shimmery lip-gloss, making his lips look soft and inviting. He smiled at himself in the mirror, thinking Rick wouldn’t know what hit him when he showed up looking serious and professional. Ashley blew himself a kiss in the mirror. He may not be in drag, but he still looked delicious, if he did say so himself. Getting up, Ashley grabbed his jacket and headed out the door. He had one fake-titty to collect and a man to impress.

    A Date at the DQ

    Ashley didn’t see Rick when he got to the prearranged rendezvous point, also known as Dairy Queen. He walked in and got a booth towards the back along the wall. It wasn’t even close to private, but it was the best he could get. He would have ordered their meals but, with the extensive menu selections, he had no clue what Rick would want. He sat down and patiently waited. Okay, he waited, but he wasn’t very patient about it. He tried crossing his legs, but the table was too low so when that didn’t work, he tapped his foot on the floor.
    He felt almost as nervous as he had on the night he’d met Rick, only then it had been the fear of Rick’s reaction to finding out he was impersonating a female. As it turned out, Rick knew all along and liked Ashley in both the slutty women’s clothes or as a man. He even seemed to like him in a messy in-between state of dress.
    This was different though. Instead of trying to hide who he was, he was going to show Rick the real him. He couldn’t help but worry that he was making a huge mistake. What if Rick didn’t like what he saw? Or worse, what if ordinary Ashley wasn’t spunky enough and he bored Rick? It was a risk, but one he knew was worth taking. That, however, didn’t stop him from still worrying about possible negative outcomes.
    By the time Rick arrived, Ashley still hadn’t gotten his anxieties under control. Nevertheless, when Rick approached the table grinning with one sexy dimple showing, Ashley felt himself relax. Even if Rick turned out not to want to pursue a relationship, Rick would never use anything Ashley revealed against him. Nor would he lead Ashley on and then be cruel. Rick was far too nice for that.
    “You look ravishing,” Rick drawled in a deep voice. “Maybe a little over dressed for the DQ though.” He smiled, and Ashley could feel the heat from Rick’s eyes devouring him, taking in every detail. If Ashley hadn’t already sensed Rick’s desire from his heated stare, the growing bulge in Rick’s jeans would have clued him
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