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Warriors of Poseidon 01 - Atlantis Rising

Warriors of Poseidon 01 - Atlantis Rising

Titel: Warriors of Poseidon 01 - Atlantis Rising
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– Warriors of Poseidon 01
    Page 337 of 351
    He tried to see over the warriors and vampires battling all around him, but couldn't see her. Desperation tore at the last shreds of his sanity. "To me, Warriors! For Atlantis!"
    And he sliced the head off the vamp in front of him, trying to work his way through to Barrabas. "For Atlantis!"
    Riley watched while the floor opened up a doorway from hell and devils came pouring through to attack Conlan. She held the gun out in front of her, but couldn't shoot.
    Everywhere she looked, vamps and warriors and freedom fighters were locked so closely in battle that she had no chance of a clear shot.
    A second wave of vamps broke through from the corridor. Quinn had been right about Daniel, at least. He was fighting against the vamps, using their own tricks against them.
    She shuddered at the sight of his bloodied fangs ripping into yet another of them.
    Alaric flashed into the space in front of her, pushing her and Quinn behind him and against the wall, as more of the vamps headed for them. Alaric threw out wave after wave of the energy bolts, but the vamps kept coming as fast as he could mow them down. One of them threw a dagger and Alaric leaned over to snatch it out of the air.
    But it must have been a ploy of misdirection, because the vamp whipped a second dagger through the air on Alaric's other side, and it pierced Quinn in the thigh. Quinn screamed, and Alaric's attention jerked around to her, the sound distracting him.
    Useless, trembling, Riley saw the vamp aim his sword at Alaric. She fired the gun, but missed him completely. Almost in slow motion, she watched the point of the blade drive deeply through Alaric's chest. He fell forward, onto Quinn, and Riley screamed again as the point of the sword, driven clear through Alaric's body, impaled her sister.
    Heard Quinn's voice, weak, in her mind.
    Atlantis Rising – Warriors of Poseidon 01
    Page 338 of 351
    It's burning like acid, Riley. Poisoned, probably. If you've been touched by a god, now would be a good time to page him.
    In front of her, she saw Jack transform in a roaring frenzy from man to tiger and tear into the vampires with teeth and claws. Conlan and Ven fought side by side in the midst of a dozen or more of them.
    She didn't know what to do. Didn't know how to call a god. Didn't know magic or have powers or anything. She was a social worker, damnit. She stood there, sobbing, anguish and fury searing through her, and heat and power climbed through her, raged through her, until she thought she might detonate from it.
    That was when the hand wrapped around her throat.
    The pure evil of the voice rang through the room. "I have your woman, Atlantean. What value do you place on her life?"
    All sound and motion stopped as if the world had frozen around him, and Conlan zoomed in on the source of the voice he most despised.
    It was Anubisa, and she had her fingers on Riley's throat. Conlan's vision sheared a brilliant blue-green, then grayed out to almost black. As the vampires groveled and cringed their way to the sides of the room, genuflecting to their goddess, he saw Alaric lying on the floor on top of Quinn. A sword run through their bodies.
    Their blood pooling on the floor.
    He fought the howl of utter despair rising from his soul at the sight of Riley held helpless in the hands of a creature who could kill her with a breath.
    Atlantis Rising – Warriors of Poseidon 01
    Page 339 of 351
    "Leave her," he commanded. "She is nothing to me. Are you so weak you make war on human females now?"
    She laughed, and the sound rang with pure malice, so dark and twisted that Riley moaned and tried to put her hands over her ears.
    As Conlan watched, trickles of blood began to drip from Riley's nostrils and the corners of her eyes. A killing rage swept through him. A memory, a vow, burned through him.
    Anubisa will beg, before I'm done with her.
    "Let her go, and you can take me back to your happy little love nest with you, Anubisa."
    She turned her head to the side, as if entranced. "Oh, look at the precious kitty!"
    Jack, in his tiger form, shot through the air, five hundred pounds of lethal killing machine headed for her head. She waved at him with two fingers, and his body slammed backward, tumbling end over end until he crashed into a line of groveling vampires, knocking them down like a row of dominoes.
    None of them moved
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