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Under Pressure [IAD Agency] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Under Pressure [IAD Agency] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Titel: Under Pressure [IAD Agency] (Siren Publishing Classic)
Autoren: Laurie Roma
Vom Netzwerk:
at the gesture. The poor man knew so little about affection, Bella thought sadly, even more determined to change that.
    Tara moved around the table to mess with Tony’s hair before flinging herself into the chair next to him. Bella leaned back against Jason and grabbed his arms to wrap them tight around her middle once again. She felt him rub his jaw on her head as she stroked her hand over his arms, secretly thrilled as the muscles flexed under her fingertips.
    Bella explained to Tara what she wanted to do, and Tara slapped Tony on the arm and got up, grabbing the list. “I’m on it. Listen here, computer geek, Bella wants this shit, so we’re going shopping. Let’s ride.” Turning with a wink, Tara pocketed the list and smacked a kiss on the top of Bella’s head. Tony got up and quickly followed, grumbling under his breath.
    * * * *
    Bella loved creating things with her hands.
    Cooking was a job for some, a craft for others, but for her, it was pure art. Since Tony loved her tiramisu, that had been a priority on her to-do list for the day. Two very large trays of the completed tiramisu now sat chilling in the refrigerator.
    Jason had expanded the kitchen a while ago, wanting to suit Bella’s needs. He added another restaurant-grade refrigerator and freezer and also added another dishwasher so there was one near each of the two sinks. He had also bought an electric stove so they now had electric and gas units for her to use. Jason had never really thought about the functionality of his kitchen before Bella had moved in. Now, he wanted to give her everything she needed, everything she dreamed of.
    The corner of the living room now housed a wet bar since the bar and the wine refrigerator in the kitchen had been removed to make space for the new appliances. Bella had mentioned that it would be nice to have one since their apartment now seemed to be a hangout for all of their friends.
    Jason had gotten one the very next day.
    Bella had been touched that he had gone out of his way to give her everything she asked for and more. He was an amazingly loving man.
    Bella finely chopped onions and threw them into a sizzling combination of garlic and olive oil to sauté. Turning the light on in the oven, she checked her pans of lasagna to see if they were done. She had added layers of spinach and Italian sausage in between the four cheese and tomato sauces. It was one of her most famous recipes. She knew just the right coloring she wanted on the crust of the dish and turned down the heat to keep them warm.
    One of her favorite CDs played over the speakers, and Bella hummed along to the melody as she slid the thin, breaded veal cutlets into the large skillet to brown in the oil. The hauntingly beautiful voice trilled out an aria with a voice so pure it sounded like an angel was singing overhead. Bella added a splash of wine to the mix, punctuating a few more splashes in time to the music. When they were done, she placed them on a platter and repeated the process. Almost finished with the meal, Bella was satisfied at the sizzling sounds of the meat cooking,
    She turned to see that the smells had lured Jason, Tony, Sal, Tara, and Slade out of the office to hover on the other side of the counter, hunger gleaming on their faces. Smiling, she watched them head straight for the tray of antipasto she had left for them. Bella was pleased that they had all remembered to stay out of her kitchen while she was cooking, but what did surprise her was the expression on Slade’s face.
    Slade had halted halfway to the counter behind the others as if he had run into an invisible wall. He closed his eyes and rubbed a hand over his chest like his heart ached. Bella was about to speak out in concern until his eyes snapped open and froze her with their intensity as they stared off unfocused into the distance. Those pale eyes burned like blue flames. Bella loved this man like a friend, but, wow, she couldn’t help her own feminine reaction to such a blatantly passionate gaze. Wow, she thought again, if that gaze was ever directed at a woman Bella could see that woman didn’t stand a chance against him.
    “Huh?” Sal asked around a mouthful of food, not paying attention.
    “Who is this?” Slade asked again, his voice rough with emotion.
    “Do you like it?” Bella asked, pleased beyond measure at his reaction to the music soaring over the speakers.
    “I guess you could consider this classical crossover,” Tara
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