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The Reversal

The Reversal

Titel: The Reversal
Autoren: Michael Connelly
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and then went in. One was knocked down, the other pinned down. Jessup went out the back and my guy stayed to try CPR on his partner. He had to let Jessup go.”
    Bosch shook his head. The thought of his daughter pushed through everything. She was at school for the next ninety minutes. He felt that she would be safe. For now.
    “Who else was hit?” he asked.
    “As far as I know,” Wright said, “it was Royce and his investigator and then another lawyer. A female. They were lucky it was lunchtime. Everybody else in the office was gone.”
    Bosch didn’t see much that was lucky about a quadruple murder and Jessup out there somewhere with a gun. Wright kept talking.
    “I’m not going to shed a tear over a couple of defense lawyers but my guy on the floor in there’s got two little kids at home, Bosch. This is not a good goddamn thing at all.”
    Bosch turned onto First, and up ahead he could see the flashing lights. Royce’s office was in a storefront on a dead-end street that ran behind the Kyoto Grand Hotel on the edge of Japantown. Easy walking distance to the courthouse.
    “Did you get Jessup’s car out on a broadcast?”
    “Yes, everybody has it. Somebody will see it.”
    “Where’s the rest of your crew?”
    “Everybody’s heading to the scene.”
    “No, send them out looking for Jessup. At all the places he’s been. The parks, everywhere, even my house. There’s no use for them at the scene.”
    “We’ll meet there and I’ll send them out.”
    “You’re wasting time, Lieutenant.”
    “You think I can stop them from coming to the scene first?”
    Bosch understood the impossibility of Wright’s situation.
    “I’m pulling up now,” he said. “I’ll see you when you get here.”
    “Two minutes.”
    Bosch closed the phone. McPherson asked him what Wright had said and he quickly filled her in as he pulled the car to a stop behind a patrol car.
    Bosch badged his way under the yellow tape and McPherson did the same. Because the shooting had occurred only twenty-five minutes earlier, the crime scene was largely inhabited by uniformed officers—the first responders—and was chaotic. Bosch found a patrol sergeant issuing orders regarding crime scene protection and went to him.
    “Sergeant, Harry Bosch, RHD. Who is taking this investigation?”
    “Isn’t it you?”
    “No, I’m on a related case. But this one won’t be mine.”
    “Then I don’t know, Bosch. I was told RHD will handle.”
    “Okay, then they’re still on their way. Who’s inside?”
    “Couple guys from Central Division. Roche and Stout.”
    Babysitters, Bosch thought. As soon as RHD moved in, they would be moved out. He pulled his phone and called his lieutenant.
    “Lieutenant, who’s taking the four on the floor by the Kyoto?”
    “Bosch? Where are you?”
    “At the scene. It was my guy from the trial. Jessup.”
    “Shit, what went wrong?”
    “I don’t know. Who are you sending and where the hell are they?”
    “I’m sending four. Penzler, Kirshbaum, Krikorian and Russell. But they were all at lunch up at Birds. I’m coming over, too, but you don’t have to be there, Harry.”
    “I know. I’m not staying long.”
    Bosch closed the phone and looked around for McPherson. He had lost her in the confusion of the crime scene. He spotted her crouching down next to a man sitting on the sidewalk curb in front of the bail-bonds shop next door to Royce’s office. Bosch recognized him from the night he and McPherson rode on the surveillance of Jessup. There was blood on his hands and shirt from his efforts to save his partner. Bosch went to them.
    “… he went to his car when they got back here. For just a minute. Got in and then got out. He then went into the office. Right away we heard shots. We moved and Manny got hit as soon as we opened the door. I got off a couple rounds but I had to try to help Manny…”
    “So Jessup must’ve gotten the gun from his car, right?”
    “Must’ve. They’ve got the metal detectors at the courthouse. He didn’t have it in court today.”
    “But you never saw it?”
    “No, never saw the weapon. If we had seen it, we would’ve done something.”
    Bosch left them there and went to the door of Royce and Associates. He got there just as Lieutenant Wright did. Together they entered.
    “Oh, my God,” Wright said when he saw his man on the floor just inside the front door.
    “What was his name?” Bosch asked.
    “Manuel Branson. He’s got two kids and
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