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The Project 01 - White Jade

The Project 01 - White Jade

Titel: The Project 01 - White Jade
Autoren: Alex Lukeman
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along Nick's thigh.
    Boxer tried to sit up . Carter kicked him in the throat. He clutched his neck and fell back choking . His eyes opened wide in terror as he tried to breathe. At the other end of the alley , B rown J acket got into the Volvo. As the car drove off, he threw Nick a look of venomous hatred.
    Squinty reached for his knife with his left hand . Nick kicked him hard in the head , a kick that could have got him into the NFL. Back at the entrance of the alley two cops appeared, guns drawn, shouting. Carter raised his hands, fingers spread wide.
    He guessed he was about to find out what the inside of an Israeli police station look ed like .
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