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The Power of Five Oblivion

The Power of Five Oblivion

Titel: The Power of Five Oblivion
Autoren: Anthony Horowitz
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    And finally, right in the middle of it all, they came upon the library. It hadn’t changed – at least, not in size. But the walls and the doorways, the windows and domes were all bright and colourful, and even though Matt had sworn he would never go back in there again, he didn’t feel threatened any more.
    The Librarian was waiting for them when they arrived and he wasn’t alone. There was a woman with him. Scar – the first Scar, the one who had lived ten thousand years ago – had once said she had met a strange woman in the dream world, but none of the other Gatekeepers had seen her before. And here’s the strange thing. There was only one woman but she looked different to each and every one of them. To Pedro, she was Peruvian, small and olive-skinned. To Scarlett, she was Indonesian. Flint and Jamie saw her as Native American. And Matt saw her in a pink jacket and a white linen dress, on her way to a wedding – just as she had been long ago. His mother. A mother to all of them. That was what she was and it was as if the Five had become one.
    You’re wondering how I know all this.
    It’s very simple. I dreamt it.
    I have often visited the dreamworld. I have seen Matt, Jamie, Flint, Pedro and Scarlett and spoken to each of them. It’s a little different for me because in the morning, when I wake up, I can’t remember everything they’ve said, but enough of it is there for me to scribble down notes in a book and that is what I’ve written here. Richard has also been there, although less often, but he tells me that one day he will go there and he won’t return. I have a feeling that the same thing will happen to me.
    But that’s still a long way away and in the meantime I have plenty of work to do, the garden to see to, the dinner to be made.
    Sometimes, in the evening, Richard strolls round to my house or I go to his and we sneak out a bottle of wine, which we make ourselves from the elderberries that just won’t stop growing. We like it when there’s just the two of us and the sun is beginning to set and we can smell fresh hay in the air. I open the bottle and pour two glasses and we sit down opposite each other, by the fire.
    “To the Five,” I say.
    “To the Five,” he replies.
    We clink glasses and we really are as happy as we can be.

    Raven’s Gate
He always knew he was different.
First there were the dreams.
Then the deaths began.
    Evil Star
It began with Raven’s Gate.
But it’s not over yet.
Once again the enemy is stirring.
Darkness covers the earth.
The Old Ones have returned.
The battle must begin.
An ancient evil is unleashed.
Five have the power to defeat it.
But one of them has been taken.
    The first four volumes in the bestselling
supernatural series by Anthony Horowitz


    Alex Rider – you’re never too young to die…

    High in the Alps, death waits for Alex Rider…

    Sharks. Assassins. Nuclear bombs. Alex Rider’s in deep water.

    Alex Rider has 90 minutes to save the world.

    Once stung, twice as deadly. Alex Rider wants revenge.

    He’s back – and this time there are no limits.

    Alex Rider bites back…

    Alex Rider – in the jaws of death…

    One bullet.
One life.
The end starts here.
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Titles by Anthony Horowitz
    The Power of Five (Book One): Raven’s Gate
The Power of Five (Book Two): Evil Star
The Power of Five (Book Three): Nightrise
The Power of Five (Book Four): Necropolis
The Power of Five (Book Five): Oblivion
    The Alex Rider series:
Point Blanc
Skeleton Key
Eagle Strike
Ark Angel
Crocodile Tears
Scorpia Rising
    The Devil and His Boy
Groosham Grange
Return to Groosham Grange
The Switch
More Bloody Horowitz
    The Diamond Brothers books:
The Falcon’s Malteser
Public Enemy Number Two
South by South East
Four of Diamonds

ANTHONY HOROWITZ is the author of the number one bestselling Alex Rider books and The Power of Five series. He has enjoyed huge success as a writer for both children and adults, most recently with his highly acclaimed Sherlock Holmes novel, The House of Silk .
    He has won numerous awards, including the Bookseller Association/Nielsen Author of the
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