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The Kiwi Target

The Kiwi Target

Titel: The Kiwi Target
Autoren: John Ball
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had left, Tom came to report to Peter. “There’s some damage, but not so bad it can’t be fixed,” he said. “You’ll need to get a carpenter in, but mostly we got to the fire in time. The water system cost, but without it you’d have lost the lot, and no mistake.”
    Peter thanked him and went into the house, where the doctor was phoning. He looked out the window and saw that the ambulance men were removing the body from the burned out car. The police, with Riley in custody, had already left. So had the four men who had come to help.
    Louise came into the room. “Let’s have a quick cuppa before we leave for Queenstown,” she said. As she went toward the kitchen, he watched the way she carried herself. She had killed two men during the night just past, but not a hint of it showed in her bearing.
    When the telephone rang, Peter’s heart jumped; he was very afraid that it would be bad news about Jack. “Oldshire Station,” he answered.
    “Is that you, Peter? Winston here. I’m told you’ve just had quite a do.”
    “Yes,” Peter answered, his voice thick with relief.
    “Is everything under control, as you say?”
    “Jack McHugh, my manager, has been shot.”
    Winston’s voice almost leaped over the wire. “How badly?”
    “I don’t know yet. He was taken to the hospital by helicopter; he should be there now.”
    “Any other casualties?”
    “Two of the men who attacked us are dead. The third is in custody.”
    “So I’ve heard. We wanted him very much.”
    “Sergeant Woodley did a fine job, by the way.”
    “Expected of him, but glad to hear it.” There was a pause, then Winston spoke again. “Peter, I won’t keep you now, but we must talk very soon. I don’t understand this at all.”
    Louise came to the doorway, holding a cup oftea. Peter nodded. “I think I do,” he said.

    s the Boeing 737 of Air New Zealand approached the channel that separates the South and North Island, the air began to become very rough. It was almost always that way, due to the ventura effect of the narrow passage. Although several days had passed since the attack, Peter gritted his teeth and endured the agony that each sharp bump inflicted on his broken shoulder. Fortunately, it was soon over, and the compact airliner came down for a smooth landing at the Wellington airport.
    Ray O’Malley was there to meet him. “It’s all confirmed,” he said. “We’re meeting with the Honorable Warren Cooper at his office. We’ve plenty of time, so don’t worry about that.”
    “Do you know what he has in mind?” Peter asked.
    “I expect it will have to do with the recent attempts of some outside interests to interfere with our tourist industry. However, there’s something else I want to discuss with you, Peter.”
    From the tone of his voice it struck Peter that it would be bad news. “Jack McHugh?” he asked.
    ”No, he’s coming along fine, the last I heard.”
    Inwardly, Peter braced himself for whatever Ray had to tell him “Go ahead,” he said.
    “It concerns Jenny, Peter. I’ve known her since she was a little girl. She and my son pretty much grew up together.”
    Peter sensed what was coming, and a sharp stab of pain seemed to fill his whole body.
    ”For some time we expected that eventually they’d be married, but an accident to my son put everything on hold.”
    ”I heard about it,” Peter said. “Jenny told me.”
    O’Malley negotiated a traffic circle as he headed on into Wellington. “When you appeared on the scene, Peter, she liked you very much. Then when you both came back from the Bay of Islands, my son met her at the airport. Later that evening, he asked her if she would marry him. She didn’t give him an immediate answer; instead, she went to Christchurch and spent a week there to think things over. When she came back two days ago, she gave him a yes answer. She wanted to tell you about this herself, but there was no good way to do that. So I offered to do it for her.”
    Peter found it hard to shape the right words, but he managed to say, “Thank you very much.”
    O’Malley changed his tone and became more calmly factual. “I know you like her and that she likes you, but your total time together has been only a few days. You understand what I’m saying.”
    ”Yes, I do,” Peter answered. “She’s a remarkably attractive girl, but as you say, we’ve hardly gotten to know one another. Seriously, that is.”
    “Good for you, Peter. I admire you for
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