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The German Genius

The German Genius

Titel: The German Genius
Autoren: Peter Watson
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(Erfolg) (Feuchtwanger), 579, 856
Sullivan, Arthur, 463
Sulzer, Johann, 78
Summer in the City (film), 807
Sunday Circle, 703
Sunset Boulevard (film), 591
Sutter, Joseph, 216
Swales, Martin, 795
swastika, 562
Sybel, Heinrich von, 405–407, 421–422, 445
Syberberg, Hans Jürgen, 782, 807
Symbols of Transformation (Wandlungen und Symbole der Libido) (Jung), 555
Szilard, Leo, 660, 666, 690, 738, 745
Taeuber, Sophie, 564
Tanztheater, 804
Tauber, Richard, 747
Teaching Institute for Judaic Studies (Breslau), 655
telegraph, 172, 356
Telemann, Georg Philipp, 60
telescopes, 366
television, 600
television culture, 808–809
Teller, Edward, 738–739
Temkin, Oswei, 85
Tendenzdichter (committed poets), 299
ter Meer, Fritz, 695
Testament of Dr. Mabuse, The (film), 590
theater, 802–805
amateur theatricals at Weimar Court, 116
in Berlin, 523–524
Biedermeier, 306
under Hitler, 645–648
Lessing and, 102
magazines on, 581
musical, 735–736
of “ordinary people,” 803
subsidies in Germany, 804–805
Unified Theater Law, 647
in Weimar Berlin, 584
Wieland on, 113–114
World War I and, 552–553
theologians, 673–687
early twentieth century renaissance, 674–680, 855
under Hitler, 683–687
Theory and Practice (Theorie und Praxis) (Habermas), 776
Theory of Chronic Diseases (Hahnemann), 176
“Theory of Knowledge in the Exact Sciences” (Königsberg, 1931), 601
Theozoology (Liebenfels), 434
Third or Fourth Man, The (Der dritte oder der vierte Mensch) (A. Weber), 770
Third Reich, 629–648
art, 621, 629–631, 632–633
Chamber for Arts and Culture, 630
Confessing Church (Bekennende Kirche), 678, 680
demographic economics, 669–672
education funding, 689
Evangelical Church of the German Nation, 677–678
filmmaking, 593, 638–641
First National Socialist Theater Festival (Dresden, 1934), 646
folklore, 654–657
German Faith Movement, 687
Heidigger and, 604
Hitler on miscegenation, 615
Lorenz’s research and, 697
mass murder, science of, 695
mathematics, 653
mental patients, murder of, 672
music, 641–645
paganism and, 687
philosophy, 631
physicians, 661
physics, 652–653, 658–660
poetry, 634–637
psychoanalysis, 661–662
Reich Commissioner for Solidifying the
German Folk-Nation, 657
science, 657
theater, 645–648
theology, 683–687
unethical research, 696
universities and scholars, 649–652
Third Reich, The (Das dritte Reich) (Moeller van den Bruck), 617–618, 839
33 Moments of Happiness (33 Augenblicke des Blücks) (Schulze), 799
This People Israel (Baeck), 750
Thoma, Hans, 532
Thoma, Ludwig, 511
Thomasius, Christian, 57, 136, 137
Thomas Paine (Johnst), 646
Thorak, Josef, 632
“Thoughts in Wartime” (“Gedanken im Krieg”) (T. Mann), 34, 535–536, 562
Three Comrades (Remarque), 581
Three Faces of Fascism (Nolte), 748
Threepenny Opera, The (Die Dreigroschenoper) (Brecht and Weill), 586–587
Thyssen, August, 375
Ticknor, George, 323
Tieck, Christian Friedrich, 215
Tieck, Ludwig, 138, 216
Tiedemann, Friedrich, 86
Tier rang gewaltig mit Tier (Schnack), 551
Tillich, Paul, 604, 631, 675, 679–680, 686, 714, 720, 730
Time to Love and a Time to Die, A (Remarque), 581
Tin Drum, The (Die Blechtrommel) (Grass), 792
Tirpitz, Alfred von, 421
Tischbein, Heinrich Wilhelm, 118, 210, 215
Toch, Ernst, 641
Tod eines Kritikers (Death of a Critic) (Walser), 28
“Todesfuge” (Celan), 800
Todt, Fritz, 692
Toller, Ernst, 618, 552552
“Tomorrow Belongs to Me” (“Morgen Gehört mir”) (Baumann), 636–638
Tonio Kröger (T. Mann), 512
Tönnies, Ferdinand, 445, 449–452, 453, 454, 455, 682, 713, 836
Torquato Tasso (Goethe), 117
Totem and Taboo (Totem und Tabu) (Freud), 611
Touch the Water, Touch the Wind (Oz), 9
Touvier, Paul, 17
Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus (Wittgenstein), 552, 558, 559
Trakl, Georg, 547, 548–549
Tram Stop (Strassenbahnhaltestelle) (Beuys), 812
Traveller, if You Come to Spa (Wanderer, kommst du nach Spa…) (Böll), 791
Treason of the Learned, The (Benda), 622–625, 766
Treatise on the Materia Medica (Cullen), 175–176
Treitschke, Heinrich von, 321, 405, 408–410, 424, 445, 477, 521–522, 839
Treviranus, Georg Reinhold, 81
Trial, The (Der Prozess) (Kafka), 577, 578
Tristan und Isolde (Wagner), 327, 329, 334, 335
Tristia ex Ponto (Grillparzer), 294
Triumph of the Therapeutic, The (Rieff), 821
Triumph of the Will (film), 638–639
Troeltsch, Ernst, 263, 532, 674–675
Trotha, Margarethe von, 807, 808
Truth about Genius (Versuch über das Genie) (Resewitz), 75
Truth and Method (Wahrheit und
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